Friday, March 20, 2009

Long Time No Post

Hello my dog park pals. sorry I have not posted in so long. My person was having trouble walking so I got stuck at home. We have been to the park a few times but not everyday. My person is moving better and that is good news for me and Mimi.
the few times we have been to the park I was a complete gentledog. You would not have even known I get grumpy and cranky!
I have been to Grinning Dog too. I am going again on Saturday until Sunday. sleep over with the Aussies' ! Woo hoo!
I will be writing this blog for one full year on the 31st of this month. I have been thinking it might be a good time for me to stop and move on with my behavioral training and snuggleness.
I might take the years blog and turn it into a diary for a year in the life of Merlin sort of thing. I am bouncing a bunch of ideas around in this dog brain
Merlin the Thinker

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mushy, Muddy, Slushy, Wet, Hooray

(Exploring the woods again)
(Mimi's award)

Feeling a little smug after her big win yesterday, Mimi and I joined together for her first big trip to the park after her final surgery and staple removal. She is all back to herself and ran like the wind. It was so good to be with her running. We chased a big fat squirrel together. It was so fun. That squirrel must have had a really good stash of food over the winter. They are usually really skinny when the Spring comes. Spring it is a coming. The first thing I heard when we got to the park was a really loud Wood Pecker. that little guy had his beak on a good piece of tree and was going crazy nuts oh, tap, tap , tap. that is a really good sign. We saw lots of birds today. I do not know their names but I do know they are blue and red and orange. Don't forget that I am not color blind like my canine buddies.

(Merlin in the woods)

Anyway, we saw Winston (black lab) on our way down Chipmunk Ally. We were going really slow because it was so icy! Mimi and I were OK of course but my person does not have the 4 leg thing going on. Plus they cover up their nails with shoes so how ya gonna get a good grab on the ice. It is always so confusing to me.
Winston was chasing a ball thrown with the "chucker". I went running too and so did Mimi. I could not get a hold of the ball because of the nose nabber but hey, I was a contender.
Off we went and down by where you first get to the water it was all mud. That was full of smells and wonderful growing stinky stuff. Right away though it got icy again. Mimi and I did some exploring in the woods. Ahh, just like old times. She is already sound asleep after her big return to the park.
We saw the 2 Aussie dogs that I really like. I ran with them for a few minutes. They said that yesterday was even more slippery than today. YIKES. As we got to the beach Mimi and I actually went down to the shore line and drank from the cool river. I can not wait to just jump right in.
My person made a strategic decision to turn us around instead of heading up the big hill. We went back and went up the big hill by the bench. That was almost without ice at all. Mimi and I ran together on the hill and played like crazy. Just dog gone fun. running, rolling, sliding, sniffing. It is great being a dog.
The final path that is My Person's favorite, was really slippery. We all managed to move forward and get through with out any falls. Off we went into the car and now I am home and ready for a nap. Things are getting back to normal here at my dog house. By the way, Jessie is still hanging in there and being adored. the other day she jumped right over the top of Mimi while she was sleeping. I think she forgets how old she is sometimes.
I smell like mud and I am happy.
Merlin the Satisfied

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mimi is Fluffiest

My sister Mimi won first place in the youth entry for Fluffiest dog at the VINS~March Forth with your dog dog show. Guess what the name of the Dog was that one for the adult entry. MERLIN. He was a big fluffy collie! Oh yeah, we got this category sown up! Now, all three of us have won ribbons in this show! What FUN!

Friday, March 6, 2009

What A Morning

Well, let me just start by saying this.... Spike, Harry, Ricky, Tad, Mikko, River, Olive, Mel, Kaya, Nikita, Clementine, Delhi. Those are all the dogs I saw and behaved well around this morning. I might just get back to being my old self yet. I did have to run one dog off because she was hyper and kept running into My Person's legs which is bad for everyone but it is my job to protect those legs. I mean without them, where do my paws get to go?

The River is running free and I am happy to see that. It is still too high, fast and cold to jump into but it is looking promising. The little creeks are unfrozen and flowing and I took full advantage of a little icy cold snow run off drinks. It was fabulous. I was not put on lead at all this morning (except by the parking lot, of course). I am still wearing the snout smasher but I think My Person definitely noticed how well behaved I was. Hooray!! This could be good for me.

free running creekMerlin right after creek drink

Plus I need to tell you I was facing some of my biggest anxiety producing challenges today. Mikko (Rhodesian Ridgeback) came bounding at me with a big lets play charge. Now, lately that has sent me into a Merlin zany frenzy but today I sort of enjoyed it. I played with him a little after the customary butt sniff. I don't even know that guy. No weird Merlin at all. Olive (Rat Terrier) is a small feisty girl. I do know her but have not seen her in awhile. Even her littleness and spunky attitude did not freak me out. Good going Merlin.

I got cheese treats galore and did not hear Merlin! No! at all. My person was clearly pleased with me. In fact she dropped her glove in the way back seat with me and I did not even eat it. Now, that should have earned me a place in the good boy hall of fame.

It was so warm today we did the big lop and by the time we were leaving the parking lot was full of people mobiles. There are good signs of Spring in the air and I am willing to welcome that doggone it!

Merlin the Hall of Famer

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cold Again

It is so cold this morning that I knew My Person was not going anywhere. Mimi and I playedin the backyard. Don't tell the Special Vet because Mimi is still on restrictions. She will be off tomorrow.
Mimi is in the Volunteers in Northampton Schools annual "not your average dog show" competition on Saturday. She is going to be in the "Fluffiest" category. I hope she comes in the top 3. I won 3rd in most photogenic 3 years ago. Jessie won First and got her picture in the newspaper with Our Girl for Prettiest Eyes 2 years ago, plus she won second in "fastest Tail Wager 3 years ago. If you see what I am saying, Mimi is the only won without a ribbon! Good luck Sis!
I have to tell you that I had to chase my feline sister Janis this morning. She had the nerve to head butt one of my marrow bones. I had eaten all the marrow but it was still my bone. Silly cat, bones are for dogs.
Merlin the Homebody

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not A Two Way Street

Finally I got to the park this morning. I was afraid that it was to be a really short walk because it was COLD. The park did not seem so bad this morning and My Person and I had a long walk together.
We were not in the park long at all before something happened that seems to happen a lot since My Person got trained by the Camp Counselor/Peep Trainer. I got mad at hr. So here is the story. We were walking up the little incline right as you get into the park from the parking lot. Coming toward us was Boomer (Black Lab) with his person. Both of us were on lead. Boomer is a bouncy boy which is one of the things we have determined makes me anxious. In fact the last time we saw Boomer I charged him and made the scary noises. The nest day I had the nose nabber muzzle thingy. So, My Person apologizes for my Merlin the anxious behavior. Boomer is looking at me snickering and giggling that I got in trouble. Than, I hear his person saying "Merlin, I'm sorry you got a muzzle." "No harm no foul" " No problem at all." Still My Person keeps pointing out that for several months I have had this "problem" etc. I was like HELLO! He said I am a good boy. Are you listening My Person? Stop apologizing and take off this muzzle! He said it is OK. She just kept talking to the guy about my short comings right in front of Boomer. Finally, I decided to do what she does and in dog speak I said "Focus My Person!" Nothing. I try again "Focus" She kept right on like she did not even hear me. Of course, I had no cheese whiz to offer her but she could give herself some if she behaved well. Sometimes I wonder why this stuff does not work in both directions.
(Hill by the Bench with ski tracks)
After that we saw a dog that I did not know and we ran together at the top of the hill by the bench. That was fun. Awhile later we saw Mel (hound mix) but she was off running in the woods but when she came out she did not jump at me and I did not lunge at her. I heard Mel's person call us the "Muzzle Twins." Well, isn't that cute!
(Merlin after trying to rub off the nose nabber)
I saw Harry, Ricky (yellow labs), Denali (mix) and Tad (mini Yorkie) and we all said hello. As we left the park we saw Clementine (Black lab, old girl) and I just laid down while my person yapped to Clem's person. Soon Luna (Labradoodle) came charging but I was on lead and I did not even pull. Hey, I had a chilled walk today! Good for me. Hey, Mimi's staple removal is moved to Friday. Bummer for you Mimi!
Merlin the Silenced

Monday, March 2, 2009

Loney Dogs Club

I have not been to the park in days and tomorrow is not looking too good either. This time it is not even my fault! My person has that wobbly leg thing going on and I can not drive! So, tomorrow she is going to go do something to make her legs work better and I might get to go for a walk.
There have been some exciting things happening right here at Merlin's house. Our neighbors behind us are getting BIG, BIG trees cut down. The other day when I was napping they dropped a big section of the tree and our whole house shook. Both Mimi and I jumped up and started barking but at what? We looked around and ran to all the windows and there was nothing or no one to complain about. M Person kept telling me to relax but I was not buying it! Once I figured out that it was just the tree I sort of relaxed and dealt with it but I was ready willing and able to protect and serve.
We had a backyard full of saw dust but none of that matters now because we have more snow. I am having fun running in the snow and playing with Mimi and my person does throw my toys for me. I am really wanting to be back at the park on Wednesday, muzzle and all. Mimi gets her staples out Wednesday too so I think she can join us on Thursday!
Soon my family and walk time will be back to normal.
Merlin the Discombobulated