Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So, I went to the park yesterday but I did not blog. Today the whole earth is covered with ice. Let me tell you about yesterday. First of all I have no pictures because my person forgot her picture taking thingy. I will share with you some home pictures I have because I like them. I did not have a stellar day yesterday. I hate not being at the park every single day. My inner puppy anxiety gets all balled up and I am not so great in the Merlin behavior department. Mimi was showing off her new hair doo and I was a little jealous of that too. So, we saw Abby (Black Lab) and Chloe (Chow mix) and a new guy named Tyler (no sure some sort of cutie little hairy guy). Anyway, I said hello to everybody and my person stopped to chat. I got mad at Chloe and she got mad right back at me. I mad all my big loud, jump on you noises and she did it right back. I gotta behave better again. I like Chloe and her brothers. They have been home with injuries lately. Anyway, nobody got too mad at me because I did stop. Sorry, Chloe. She did ask me if this would get her into the blog. Sure thing Chloe. Next time I hope you are in just because you are fabulous and not because I am behaving like a jerk.

As we continued through the glorious park I was once again noticing how far away you can ear what is going on. When we are up near the bench on the hill I could hear all the way down toward the beach. Some dog was barking like crazy. I wanted to get involved but My Person gave me that look of "I double dog dare you!" Don't take that dare my friends. I have been there and it is not good for any dog, ever!

As we walked we ran into Chloe and Tyler again and I was on my best behavior. We did not see a lot of dogs until we were leaving. Then, I saw the foursome of Clementine, Delhi, Flannel and Luna. Clem had a stick and I made him give it to me. Once he did I did not want it anymore and I let him have it. My person gave me that look again. The nest time I see them my person is going to make me sit, stay and be on lead. I hate that. It is embarrassing and other dogs see me get in the dog house. Jeeeze!
So, our cat Junior and I are friends. I really love that silly feline. He got in trouble the other day for biting my face! So, I am not supposed to like cats. We are natural enemies. Well, look at Junior with our hamster Togapee. He and Toga are supposed to be natural enemies. We are just one big happy inter species clan at our house.
(Togapee and Junior)

Jessie is so skinny now that she gets cold easily. Our girl puts some people stuff on her to keep her warm. My person does not like when people dress up dogs and cats in people cover ups. She does not want to insult us dogs and cats. This is one of the reasons we get along! We agree when it is about warmth we make an exception~
(Jessie all toasty warm)

Stay upright my friends. It is really slippery out there.

Merlin the Sleeping on the Couch All Day!

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