Thursday, September 4, 2008

fog on the field

Wow, it was so foggy this morning I could not believe it.I was a little nervous and edgy this morning. I do not like it when I can
not see too far in front of me

Like standing by this tree. You can not see if anything or anyone is behind me. What if one of those big round things show up in the field again. What if Mama Bear shows up. What if there is a chipmunk I could chase. Yes, I have very good hearing and I can smell a Chipmunk ready to bite my ankle but I want to be able to see.

In the big fields the fog made it so you could not even see the corn. Finally as we got to the path right at the top of the big hill you could see it start to lift. Now, us dogs already share the park with runners, disc golf folks, corn fields, snapping turtles and even a bear. Well, really the bear lets all of us come there. Lets just face that up front. My point here is that I don't know why clouds need to take a rest at the park too. I suppose it is another lesson in getting along with everyone. We were at the park early today too. 7 and a 1/2 barks in the morning. If we had gone later we would have missed the cloud all together.
Enough about my cloud resentment. Our girl has started school again. The really sad thing is that this school does not have a dog. Not a real dog anyway like Chevy at her other school. The mascot at this school is a Husky! GO HUSKIES!!!
We saw Abby the Black Lab at the beginning of the walk. Passed a few dog acquaintances on the way but not a lot of dogs today. As I said we were there before the fog lifted so I am not surprised we ran solo. I saw Pearl and 'Lil Scout right as I was leashed up to leave near the parking lot. Wish I could have walked with them. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Merlin the looking to tomorrow.

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