Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rain Break

Well, it rained cats and dogs yesterday but that does not mean anything good for me and the park. Today it looks like it might rain any second but my person scurried us out in between rain storms. Although this is a nice thing it is not only because she loves me and the park that this happens. Yesterday I tried really hard to convince her to go to the park in the rain. This is not always the best plan but if I am pretty sure I am not going anyway than antagonizing my person is a fun sport! I just dig down deep and remember all of my puppy habits that made her crazy. For instance, I grab something off the bookcase and than do a little bob and weave dance around the big chair in the living room. My person starts off with a light "Merlin, drop it." I don't even think of doping it. I run to the other side of the chair. "Merlin. drop it." " Merlin, leave it." Now she is up and she joins my dance around the living room chair. She is not nearly as graceful as I am and I assure you that I am having more fun than her! "Merlin! " "I said drop it! Leave it! MERLIN!!!!"OK, this did not make her take me in the rain but it sure was fun.

So, today we went to the park and we met a nice old boy named Charlie. Charlie is 15 and he is blind and deaf. He got a good whiff of me and tried really hard to keep pace with me. I was impressed with his stamina and ability to continue to show the puppy that still lives within.

The river is high and it is rushing fast and furious. I stopped for a cool drink but spent no quality time there. I saw Elsie and her person and their people puppy. I love seeing Elsie because she is me with short hair. My person goes dog gone wild for the people puppy. She does the faces, noises, giggles etc. The people puppy responds with giggles and noises and smiles but not one sniff from any of them. How can you really find out about someone without a good smell. Where have they been? Who do they know? Most importantly. What did they eat and is there any for me?

So, off we went and we ran into Tad and his posse. I wish I could show you the picture but we continue to experience technical difficulties. Tad is a Yorkie with big attitude. I respect and admire him. Today he had on an e-collar and he looked like King Tad of yester year.

Anyway, in the big fields on top I saw Buddy and Mel. They were running and playing as usual. We saw my bro Bandit and a few others. As we were leaving we came across this here tree down across the path. I darted back and forth while assessing the situation. Should I go over? Under? HHHHMMMMM. I finally decided and proudly walked my person around the tree. Go ahead and take my advise. It will make your life easier.

I saw Amber and Birdie as we were leaving and my friend Manny and I hung out while our people yapped away! They like to do that! I do not care because I get to hand out a long time!
Merlin the Tease

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