Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday 3/13

Today is one of those mornings that confuses me. My person gets all ready to leave but than she takes the kid with her instead of me and Mimi. Than, I watch out the window and she goes up the street picking up other kids. Sometimes my person comes back quickly and sometimes it takes awhile. Today it took awhile and she came back smelling like that Border Collie, Skye. I have to guess that they were at that "school" place where my kid goes in the day. I mentioned before that Skye's person and my person talk about school budgets way too much. My person seemed upset when she got home. She was talking to my other person saying it looks like Bridge Street(the school) might very well close. You know, I like that place. Mimi, Jessie and I have all gone to visit there. They have their own dog named Chevy and she is great. I do not know how Chevy landed such a great job. When I go to the school there are so many kids and they all pet you and say you are great. What a job!!! I hope these people figure it out.

So, off to the dog park. HOORAY!!!! We got there late so we walked alone a lot. It was so fun. I think Mimi had the most fun of all. She loves when the snow melts because she can run into the woods. When there is allot of snow her little legs sink and she cannot go anywhere. She took off into the woods a lot today. My person seems to get worried about her and calls her back. I do not know why she worries. First of all, Mimi and I know how good we have it in our family and we are not going anywhere. Do not tell the people this secret because we still want them to pay attention to us. Plus, my person's cousin got us all new collars last year. They have our name and phone number embroidered on them. So someone would call her if we got lost. That was really nice of my person's cousin. Thanks.

Anyway, there are parts of the park now that are just plain old ground. The sections that are still icy were a little more crusty today so it makes it easier to walk. Mimi and I do get the build up of snow on our furry toes. I hate that! My person rubs Musher's Secret on them before we go out and that really helps them not get snow stuck. Mimi ended up getting burrs on her though. They really stink. Last summer I got some so stuck in my tail that my person had to cut my fur. My tail is one of the best parts of me. She had to cut the fur on my tail and I looked so silly. Going to the park was plain old embarrassing. I mean, other dogs are so jealous of my tail and there I was all shaved. Well, I am going to try and not have that happen this year. I can tell you on behalf of Mimi and myself, it is not easy being hairy! See you all at the dog park!

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