Friday, June 20, 2008

Bosco! Where for art thou?

I know that this is a blurry picture but it proves I did run away on my own today. I am not just a mamma's boy.
Bosco! I got you message on yesterdays blog. So sorry I missed you and your girl! I wanted to thank her for leaving me a comment all the way from Spain! I am international! Also, thanks to Janie who leaves comments! She is my person's cousin that got us our spiffy collars with our names and phone numbers on them.

Today was almost to weird to discuss. I am very anxious and edgy. I bet my person would have made me stay home if she had realized how jumpy I was. There were a ton of cars in the parking lot but for a long time we saw nobody. We had time at the beach alone which was really nice but I was still very nervous. I could not stay in the water and chill. If I heard the least little thing I would jump up and look around.
After we left the beach off in the distance I saw what I thought was my boy Bosco! I ran with my fur flying in the wind and my tail at full glory. Suddenly, I realized it was a tall thin Black Lab. It was not Bosco at all. Well, that did it. That dog came up to me and I said "Hey, talk to the paw because my floppy ears are not listening." So, now I am sad and anxious. We saw Abby the Mastiff and Luna and Flannel ran by. They had a couple of people puppies with them that were probably walking on 2 legs for 7 or 8 years. I did not even care about them, that is how sad I was.
We went up the hill and shortly after we got into the big top fields I met a little Pug named Ramona. I was not in the mood for anyone but this girl won me over. I chased her a little bit and than she walked with us for a long while. She teased me into chasing her and I have to admit I became fond of her. I was too nervous for her person to pet me though. We ran into Willie and Nanook. My person told them how she had insulted me while discussing the Huskies beauty. I must give credit where credit is do. The peeps, they admired, pet and complimented me repeatedly. OK they are forgiven. My person is still working on it.
We walked out with Clyde the Chocolate Lab. He had a ball and I sort of tried to get it but it was not a big hide and pee game or anything.
We saw the wonderful Earnest and Birdie just as we left. I don't think I have mentioned those guys before. Earnest is an old man with lots of personality. Birdie was born with some disabilities and can't use her hind legs very well. I tell you this she is beautiful and her person is fabulous. OK I think we might have a thunder storm. That is why I am so nervous I think. I gotta go hide under something.
Wizards HatMerlin

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