Monday, June 2, 2008

Tortoise vs. Turtle

So, I learned a very big lesson today. All turtles are not created equal. Remember the other day when I found the little Tortoise and Bosco's person picked it up? Well, we met a totally different kind of Turtle today. This guy was REALLY mean. Bosco had a tennis ball and it rolled up to this Turtle which was way bigger than the other one I found. You can see the tennis ball right in front of him in that picture. I though for sure it would be a good buddy. Maybe even a BTFF. (best turtle friend forever) but no sir! Right as Bosco went over to claim what was rightfully his. That turtle's head shot right out of his shell and snapped at Bosco. Good thing he didn't get him because I saw that that turtle had teeth. Razor sharp with a jaw like a vise grip. Everyone else went by the turtle and Mimi and I stayed right where we were. My person turned around and called us to come to her. Now, how am I supposed to do that? I gave Snappy (that is what Bosco and I named him) a big bark and than I sort of slithered to the very edge of the path and ran quick as I could with Mimi right behind me. Good thing we saw that snake the other day so I had the slithering lesson so recently. I am telling you as much as I love the Dog Park there are hidden dangers everywhere. Beware I tell you, beware!
So, I was a little shook up but we all bravely continued onward. Bosco's person threw the ball in the deep water but she threw it too far and Bosco could not find it on the other shore. Bosco's person is stronger than she knows.
At the beach we saw a puppy named Bruno. He is a Chocolate Lab little guy and I think he has great potential. We told him of the turtle known now as Snappy. I think our peeps were wise enough to inform his peeps too.
We saw Big Scout at the beach and continued out of the park with them. They had also seen Snappy! We passed by Little Scout on the way out. there were lots of people with people puppies at the park today. My person did not know any of them very well. Good thing or we would probably still be there and in harms way with Snappy on the loose! Be careful of things in nature that can appear to be harmless but are hiddding the truth!
Wizards HatMerlin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Merlin - THANKS so much to you Mom for putting up the pictures of Snappy.
One of my mom's (Abby) and me and a sad-feeling human friend of hers went walking yesterday hoping we'd see Snappy... but noooo - he is too fast! For a turtle?! How is this possible?
Anyway, that one picture of with the ball in front of him makes me wonder of I could have gotten it away from him... but I think my Mom would have FREAKED OUT (I think they call it) when I do something daring and cool.
So much for that.
Glad you and your family are having such great adventures.
one of your BDFFs,