Hip, Hip, Hooray! I went to the park today and I am happy! Well, Mimi is limping again so she did not get to go. I told her to knock it off or they are going to call the Vet. She did not listen and I heard my peeps talking about just that today. It is OK not to keep up with me Mimi! Stop the limp thing. You will be sorry when you are in the big truck the Vet has and she is poking at you.
I have really great news. My people are all home!!! I am glad too because I was so afraid last night during that big thunderstorm. My person that was in the hospital came down stairs and held me until they passed. She is good people. I am not afraid to say I was afraid. When my other person who walks me came down stairs this morning she went and opened the back door. I ran outside and started barking my head off. If the outside can make so much noise I can yell about it in the morning.
So, we walked with Ridge today. I like that guy but it was better when he was a puppy and I chased him. Anyway, we went to the river and saw a boxer named Fergus. He was more of a people dog than a dogs, dog like me and Ridge. Off we went after a dip and saw the fabulous Pierre and Benji. Their new baby sister Trixie is finishing her shots next week so hopefully we can meet her then.
We saw Taz and Ziggy just before the hill. The peeps stopped and talked and I rolled in the high grass. I loved that a lot and got more wet than I did in the river. So, off we went to the rest of the walk. I was so happy to be out because I am all about the dog park. I wish my person would stay there with me all day long. We saw Bella right before we left. She is going to be 1 year old on 6/20/08. Well, that girl is just a miracle I tell you. Plus, Bella's person gave me really good treats. She made me "sit" before she gave it to me just like my person does. It is a conspiracy!
Now, as we were leaving I saw a car called a Cougar. I have a question. Why are there cars named after the jaguar, the cougar, the mustang, the colt, the stingray, and the rabbit, but not ONE named for a dog? How often do you see a cougar riding around? We do love a nice ride! Would it be so hard to rename the 'Chrysler Eagle' the ' Chrysler Beagle'?
Think about it my friends!
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