Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
so many dogs, so little time
Monday, July 28, 2008
Merlin and his Labs
I must go back a day though and talk about the thunder. It happened in the middle of the night two days ago. There was so much banging, crashing, lighting up and loudness I could not believe it. I was downstairs sleeping with Mimi and I just was so worried that Jessie might be scared that I jumped over the gate and ran into my peeps bedroom and jumped on the bed. Jessie was already up there. I was right she was scared. My walks me all the time person got up and brought us both downstairs. We were awake for so long that we slept in too late to go to the park yesterday.
Anyway, this morning was great right off the bat. We saw Sculley, Holly and Sonic in the parking lot. Sculley has a super short summer hair doo. He still looks cool. We took off with Benji, Pierre and cute little Trixie. It was really nice to walk with them as always. We ran into Tango the Aussie along with Fred and Dexter. There was a little bit of playing. We were again early enough to have the morning dew still on the tall grass. The picture is of me taking advantage of the sweet nectar on the loving life.
At the beach today we ran into Scooter, Winnie, Pearl and Lola. All these beautiful Labs and me. We had a great time running after a stick and just dog play. Along came a Husky named Watson. He had a pretty good tail going on. We bonded immediately. We all left the park together. It was a really nice walk outside before the heat takes hold for the day.
When it gets too hot out my peeps and many of the neighborhood girls and boys get into this big tub of water in the backyard. There is splashing and giggling and laughing all over the place. My sisters and I are not allowed in this pool of water. Something about our nails and puncturing linings? I don't get it. We could all just go to the river and swim and splash together. Peeps, the make life complicated.
Merlin the high grass lover
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Oh Happy Day!
Daisy said she had gone on vacation to another person's house that are friends with her peeps. She admitted that as a result of being away she has now become a little jealous of her person petting stranger dogs. Like, it is OK for her to pet me because me and Daisy are BDFF. See, just another situation where I am already on the "in".
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Not really! This really is Merlin just not me. He is Merlin the Newfie. We ran into him, Kika and Vulcan at the dog park this morning. Kika hung out right down near the parking lot so his brothers had to turn back around instead of finishing the walk.
It did not matter though because at that very moment it started to rain. My person and I really wanted to walk today. So, we kept going and decided we would walk only on the paths with trees on both sides. This creates a sort of, natures umbrella of trees. I love my person for giving this theory a shot. Then, it happened. Thunder! Well, my person automatically knew I would be worried about Jessie home alone so she turned around. It was not because I was scared. No sir. Also, I heard my person say she did not want to be the tallest thing in an open field or standing next to the river if lightening occurred. I am not sue why she thinks that. I think it would be pretty. Don't you? Anyway, we headed out and got a lot wet but we gave it our best shot. I have the best news of all though. Really, better than an extra marrow bone in the afternoon, good news. Our girl is coming home today!!! I can not wait to see her! I am going to lick her face until my person makes me stop!!!!
Merlin the soggy but excited.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wet Wednesday
Monday, July 21, 2008
whats going on?
Merlin, the scam artist.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
finally out and about
(again) and Alka. There was a lot of ball chasing and barking and obsessive stuff about the ball. I got involved in it but I let others have the ball. I really just want to run.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Too Much Going On
Merlin the leader of the pack.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Today is a rainy day and I am bored. I think I will go chase Junior. I would chase one of the other cats but Junior is the most fun!
By the way, Mimi is doing great. She is feeling so good that she gets mad that my person keeps her on the leash when we are in the yard (snicker). Merlin
Saturday, July 12, 2008
No Bear Saturday
Friday, July 11, 2008
BEAR x 3
Thursday, July 10, 2008
FIRE and more Bear
Finally we all got to go inside a long time later. My peeps got us all safe and secure. There was a fire in the basement. Our little feline brother Junior was down there but he is OK. Smart little guy jumped into a space that kept him safe. Our other felines, Zazu and Janis are OK too.
After all that when my person took me on my walk this morning, we saw the bear again. He/she was no more than 15 or 20 feet from us and we locked in eye contact this time. Bear was on all four legs and we stared right into each others eyes. Not a sound from either of us. I have to tell you this bear was so beautiful that I could not take my eyes off of him/her. My person firmly said "Merlin, Come" The bear turned and went down the hill. It was a great moment. My person was happy too. We had met 2 dogs at the beach named Berra and Syny. They were walking in front of us on the big hill when we saw the beautiful bear. As it turns out Berra had a big fight with a bear 3 months ago and had really big surgery and almost died. I am glad we saw the bear because they were afraid. Berra told me she went to play with the bear cubs and the mom got really mad and beat her up. Everyone knows that the most dangerous place in the world is the space between a mom and their baby. Don't try to get in there or you will be in trouble. Poor Berra was just trying to play and she got hurt.
We saw Abby the Mastiff at the beach. She went all the way across to get to the dead opossum. I already rolled in that weeks ago so I am over that. We also so Poe Poe the Poodle in the upper fields and news of the bear turned her and her person right around to get outta there. We had seen Haley and Molly on the hill who had told us they saw the bear in the big field too. On the beginning of the walk today we saw Vulcan, Merlin and Kika. Their person said if we need somewhere to stay we can ALL go stay with her. Now that is a true friend for sure. Also, I saw little Bella the Cairn Terrier. She is a beautiful little girl. When I was a puppy I used to bark at her all the time. Now, I just enjoyed watching her have fun in the mud!
Merlin the Dog with the Most Exciting 2 Days Ever.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The 3 H's
boy. It is true. I did not want to go to the park today. It is a monumental day.
More importantly, Mimi is so much better today! She is walking easier and handling going in and out without wincing.
I usually sleep downstairs alone. Last night Mimi and my walking person slept downstairs too. My person slept in the chair, on the floor and on the sofa. Mimi was sort of up and down all night. I don't mind them being down here but I am use to being alone and having my pick of the chair, floor and sofa to sleep on. I was not crazy about my person pulling the species rank on me. I know she kept getting up with Mimi but I think she should have waited to see where I wanted to go and than take the other options.
Anyway. I really want to walk in the morning. I hope i see Bosco, Biscuit, Jack or one of the others that I love to play with. Until then, I will keep an eye on Mimi and stay inside where it is cool or lay under the porch/deck.
Merlin the hot and panting.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
She is home!
Monday, July 7, 2008
It's all about Mimi
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Lions and Tigers and Bears....
We got to the park and there were hardly any cars in the lot. I figured my person and I would have a nice quiet walk together. Right away as we started going down Chipmunk Alley I could tell something was off. The crows were screeching and some other birds were singing a song that was unusual. I ran up the hills on the left but kept an eye on my person. We reached the area where the woods on the left turn into the hill and there are still woods on the right. There was a loud rustling of leaves on the right. My person called me to her with a "walk with me". I followed her command and clung to my persons left hand side. Suddenly there was a loud thud that came from the same direction. My person threw the leash right over my head and we both looked to our right. Well, there it was. A BEAR!!!!!! It scampered through the woods really fast and made lots of noise. I saw it I did! I stood at attention facing the woods waiting for that bear to show itself again but she didn't. Good thing or I would have... I'd... Well, I don't know what I would do but I am sure it would be heroic.
We kept walking and we were alone for a long time. I took a dip into the river but we did not stay long. We did not see another dog until we were on the hill. I saw a Border Collie mix named Stella and I barked the whole story of the bear to them. Stella was a bit fearful anyway so I hope I did not scare her more. After that we saw Pierre, Benji and Trixie walking with Pearl. We told them about the bear and Pearl and I danced, ran and played a little while. After that we saw Rascal and later at the parking lot we saw Turbo and Molly. I told everyone about the bear. My person says,Bear medicine is good medicine. I am not sure what that means but I think a powerful thing.
Merlin the Bear seer!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Independance Day
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I Love Trixie
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
no walk today
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Well, enough of that! I saw Lola who is the most submissive Black Lab I have ever met. She sure is beautiful though. Fergus approached us as we hung out. I am so glad his mystery illness has disappeared. That was weird. We saw the famous Pierre and Benji along with Big Scout on the hill. We are going to meet Trixie in the morning! I just can not wait. In the top fields we saw Tango the Aussie who chased me like crazy while the peeps talked. That little girl really scares me! It makes me look like a coward but I can't take it! We saw Niles and Caber with the It's Pawsible crew. At the end of the walk we saw the fabulous Newfies! I love those big dogs! Well, actually, we saw Vulcan and Merlin. Kika was laying down somewhere down the path catching her breath.
Remember today that our peeps, while annoying sometimes, really have given us a cushy life. I will definitely give my peeps an extra snuggle today.