Sunday, July 20, 2008


So, yesterday my person brushed me for like an hour. I tell you I just hate being brushed. I am not sure why but I just can not seem to not squirm like a worm. Today while I was at the park I could not stop showing off my tail. The benefits of this brushing thing is obvious but I still squirm. Look at that tail. It is just so fluffy and full! I love my own tail.
There have been lots and lots of really big thunder storms going on. My 2 peeps have taken good care of me and Jessie. I wish our girl was here though. She really is the best at making me feel safe.
Today at the park was a very strange walk. We should not go so early on the weekends. I saw some dogs but nobody even stooped by the beach while I was there. I call these dogs "the weekenders". The weekenders are those dogs and peeps that do not come every day. They are great but they are not in my posse and my person does not know their peeps. Therefore, there is very little talking, hanging, barking etc. Plus, all these storms had knocked down a lot of old branches and loose stuff off of the trees. It was hazy and really hot too. Just a strange day. But, there were these beautiful orange flowers popping up from an old tree stump. There is beauty everywhere.
We did not see Mama Bear today. I am sure she is around. Now that I know she has 4 cubs I am sure she will be around all summer. You gotta raise a family in a safe place. Right next to the dog park is the Community Gardens. So, she trees the youngins' gets some stuff from the garden, berries from the vines, down to the river for some water and back to the little ones. Why would she leave? No reason at all. I did wonder something today. Where is Papa Bear? How come Mama has to do all the work? Do you think he is a dead beat Dad? I don't know but I wish those cubs every good thing in life! Not just cuz I am scared of Mama either!
Merlin, the philosopher.

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