Monday, July 28, 2008

Merlin and his Labs

So, it was another very good, no bad walk day.

I must go back a day though and talk about the thunder. It happened in the middle of the night two days ago. There was so much banging, crashing, lighting up and loudness I could not believe it. I was downstairs sleeping with Mimi and I just was so worried that Jessie might be scared that I jumped over the gate and ran into my peeps bedroom and jumped on the bed. Jessie was already up there. I was right she was scared. My walks me all the time person got up and brought us both downstairs. We were awake for so long that we slept in too late to go to the park yesterday.

Anyway, this morning was great right off the bat. We saw Sculley, Holly and Sonic in the parking lot. Sculley has a super short summer hair doo. He still looks cool. We took off with Benji, Pierre and cute little Trixie. It was really nice to walk with them as always. We ran into Tango the Aussie along with Fred and Dexter. There was a little bit of playing. We were again early enough to have the morning dew still on the tall grass. The picture is of me taking advantage of the sweet nectar on the loving life.

At the beach today we ran into Scooter, Winnie, Pearl and Lola. All these beautiful Labs and me. We had a great time running after a stick and just dog play. Along came a Husky named Watson. He had a pretty good tail going on. We bonded immediately. We all left the park together. It was a really nice walk outside before the heat takes hold for the day.

When it gets too hot out my peeps and many of the neighborhood girls and boys get into this big tub of water in the backyard. There is splashing and giggling and laughing all over the place. My sisters and I are not allowed in this pool of water. Something about our nails and puncturing linings? I don't get it. We could all just go to the river and swim and splash together. Peeps, the make life complicated.

Merlin the high grass lover

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