We had a wonderful walk. My person did exactly what I wanted her tho do for a change. She left a little later on the weekend. We saw so many dogs my tail was spinning. We saw Denver when we got out of the car. As we walked we ran into Cody the dancer and Garbo the rescue dog from Connecticut. I was so happy to be just walking at the park today. It was not too hot and the high grass still held the morning dew. I ran for a little bit with Cody and Garbo but than headed into the high grass just for the heck of it. It is fun to feel the coolness on my fur. As we continued to travel toward the big hill we saw so many dogs pass us I would not know where to begin to name them all. On the way down the big hill we ran into good 'ole Amber. I was a little worried about her again because I had not seen her in awhile. Glad you are OK Amber. We could hear a bunch of hooting and howling coming from the beach while we were still up in the top fields. I was afraid that by the time we got there everyone would be gone. Fear not sweet Merlin! There were a ton of dogs there. I saw my BDFF Daisy right away and I was so happy. Let me see if I can tell you who was there. I am sure I will not include everyone because my brain is not that big. Here we go. Elvis, Bessie, Henry, Pearl, Daisy, Manny, Merlin, Cody, Garbo, a little poodle that I did not know and so many more. You can see in these pictures that is was just fun, fun, fun. My person and I walked out with Daisy and her person. I really was happy to see her.
Daisy said she had gone on vacation to another person's house that are friends with her peeps. She admitted that as a result of being away she has now become a little jealous of her person petting stranger dogs. Like, it is OK for her to pet me because me and Daisy are BDFF. See, just another situation where I am already on the "in".
Daisy said she had gone on vacation to another person's house that are friends with her peeps. She admitted that as a result of being away she has now become a little jealous of her person petting stranger dogs. Like, it is OK for her to pet me because me and Daisy are BDFF. See, just another situation where I am already on the "in".
Also, when I got home our girl exclaimed "Merlin Stinks!" Wow, thanks kiddo! I didn't even know.
Merlin the stinky.
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