Sunday, August 31, 2008

livin easy

This is me on the move. Notice the
breeze flowing through my long fur.
I am one handsome specimin of dog. I saw Duke again! I was so glad to catch him again before he goes off to Duke University with his family. I am not sure is he is going to be a teacher or a student. I bet he could teach a really good game of hide and go pee. He could even teach hop and chase a chipmunk. I think it is just has endless possibilities.

I don't know how well you can see this picture but it is me and Duke and Buddy. Buddy had to correct me today. He is only Bud E. Fufu as an alter ego when he gets his very fancy hair doo. Got it Buddy!
And speaking of Buddy we walked the entire walk with him and his person today. We saw lots of pretty dogs in passing but we only stopped and played with Duke. Buddy has taught me the value of having little friends as dogs. You should never underestimate them just because they can run underneath you. In fact you should really respect their point of view and their reach while under you. You do not want to make a little dog who might be looking up while underneath you mad. I can see the pain that could cause for sure.
Anywoof, it was a beautiful peaceful morning and a great walk. Mimi will not be able to join us even in September either because of her set back. I miss having my sister around. She is a good pal. I know I complain but both of my canine sisters are just so cool. OK I am going to lay out on the deck and dry out.
I just have to say one more thing today. Our Girl is the bestest girl ever. She takes such good care of all of her 4 leggeds and her fish. We love her very much and we are glad she is our girl person! Thanks to the dog powers of the universe for us being so lucky!
Merlin the Blessed!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

great morning

Off to the park we went and I was so happy. It looks like it is going to rain any minute and I was not sure that we would make it to the sacred land of dogness. Once at the park I was not sure we would stay for the entire walk. Well, I am happy to say that all of my dreams came true. We got there and we went around the big loop. I am a happy dog.

After we went down the big beautiful scenery hill I ran into Fergus. Hooray! I have learned that he and I can walk together while exploring on our own and still be together. At the beach we saw Ziggy and some others. After we chased the ball a few times my person had us off and running again. The air is very sticky and my fur clings to me as if it is ... well, like a coat.

I was still glad we got to do the walk even though it is so humid. We saw Buddy and Cody toward the end of the walk. I did not get to ask Cody why his person was so mad at him last week because he immediately wrapped his paws around my hips and started that silly dance again. I am getting tired of that dance. I want to just play hide and go sniff.

I did learn an important thing about Buddy. His full name is Bud E. Fufu. Now, look at the hair cut and you can see why!

On the way out Fergus took off to play hide and go pee but I did not see him leave so I missed out on the game. Right before the parking lot we saw beautiful Abby the Mastiff. Look at that face!!! I just love her! Abby and I always remind each other that even the biggest dog has been a pup and loves to be scratched behind the ears. I mean it could be permanent employment for my peeps

Merlin the sticky

Friday, August 29, 2008

My Sisters

So, I did not go to the park today. My person had to bring Mimi to the Special Vet. again. I am sorry to say that there has been a bit of a set back in her recovery from her surgery. She told me she has to take some medicine for a couple of weeks. After that she might have to go back under the knife. YIKES!!!!!!! So, I feel bad for both of them but they are cramping my style. I mean look at them. Pathetic I tell you. I love them but my person better get me to were the dogs are tomorrow. OK I better go look impressive so that the girls don't depress us all.
Merlin the saver of the family name

Thursday, August 28, 2008


So, we walked all the way around the big loop today and guess what happened? Nothing. We saw Sonic, Sculley and Holly with their person and people puppy in the big fields on the top of the hill. That was it. We did not see any other dogs until we were got back to the parking lot where we saw Oliver the beautiful Standard Poodle. As we got into the car we saw Ziggy and Brody. We almost went the entire way without seeing another dog. SPOOKY!

When we got into our car my person started to move backward. Some big bad ugly bug bit me in the nose. I don't think my person saw it happen but she heard me whine and than make yucko noises through my mouth and nose. She loves me, she really loves me. She stopped the car and let me get into the back seat instead of the way back where I usually sit. My nose is still sore. You can never trust those little bugs. NEVER!

I wanted to stay at the park longer today because both of my sisters are miserable. Jessie has a hot spot and has to wear an e-collar. Mimi started limping a lot again so she has to go see the special vet and she is grumpy too.

While I was running at the park today the trees started throwing those things in the picture at me. JEEZEEE.... Is there no place safe for a dog to relax and count his bones and watch a little Frisbee catching on the TV.

Merlin the Needing a Break.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Suki and Sawyer

You know some days are just all the same at the park. Now I am not complaining because they are all fabulous but still the same. Today was not one of those days. I saw many of my BDFF. I saw Caber and Niles. I walked a long way with Fergus which was fun. I like fergus and I am glad to get to know him better. His person is a jogger/dog escort so she will walk with my person for awhile, then start running again. Today they walked a long while together so I get to know Fergus better. We saw Bosco toward the end of my walk, beginning of his. Even though the peeps don't seem to be able to get their walking schedules in sync, I am glad to see him.
The biggest news today was all about a sweet little puppy named Suki. When we got to the water, there was Clyde the Lab, Watson the Malamute mix with his brother Willie, Sadie the Springer Spaniel and Aussie the 'ole sage. Right in the center of all those dogs was Suki the Golden Retriever puppy. He had found his way to the beach from the other side of the river. He was running and jumping and rolling in the mud. He went from one dog to the next with a tug on an ear or a nip at the ankle that screamed "play with me." That little guy was having so much fun I was envious of his youth. The really funny thing was how freaked out all the peeps got. There was no person with the puppy so all the peeps were concerned about where the puppies person was. Well, I appreciate the concern but did he look like he was in trouble? NO! He was covered in mud the center of attention in a pack full of big dogs who were enjoying him. Eventually, his person showed up on the other side of the river. Well, that was my cue to hit the road. I loved watching the little guy. By the way, that is him in the picture on the left. Aussie is in the center picture. He is 15 years old! WOW! That is older than my sister Jessie. Watson and Sadie are with him. The picture on the right is the other big news. I made another best dog friend forever. His name is Sawyer and you can see he is the cutest little guy you ever saw. I had fun at the park today.
My person hardly ever tells me what to say but she is insisting I sign off as...
Merlin for Obama

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday& Tuesday

I am not going to make a habit out of this every 2 days blogging. It is just that yesterday was so hectic that I was not allowed enough time to blog .
My peeps had a visitor on Sunday afternoon. It was a peep that they were all very happy to see. I was happy too because even though I did not remember her, she was a really good dog snuggler. The peeps kept saying she was a niece and our girl kept saying she was a cousin. These seem to be words that people use to make each other know how they are related. I do not understand these words and I still think it is just easier to pee on a rock and give it a sniff. Anyway, we walked early Monday morning. The special guest stayed over night and all the peeps were going to hang out somewhere all day Monday. Anyway, I met a new friend named Marmalade. She was pretty. On the way out I could not believe we saw my BDFF, Biscuit. He said he has come a few times and missed me. I do wish I had thumbs so I could drive the car. I would pick up all my BDFF's and just hang out at the park. I think I would need longer legs too. A hole in those seats for my tail to get through too. Oh, forget it!
Anyway, today we went at a reasonable hour and on the top of the beautiful view hill I saw Liken. Her person was throwing a ball for her and I was happy to let the running begin. Liken is always a good friend to run with. She can go on a lot longer than me.
Soon after I ran into this handsome fellow named Griffin. Don't you think we look good together?
His person had a chucker too.I hope the next time I see Griffin we can play fetch together longer
So, off we went and it was a beautiful morning and a beautiful walk. We walked alone and sort of just hung out together my person and me. Toward the end of the walk we saw Caber, Niles and Ziggy walking together. At the very end of the walk we saw the Newfies. Vulcan confirmed that my peeps had hung out with him and his brothers, Merlin and Kika the other night. Well, his person has been to my dog house too so I guess it is OK.
We saw the gorgeous Blue. Blue is an Aussie/ Berner and I am a Border Collie/Berner. When we are together we look so very beautiful. In this photo Vulcan had just told me right in front of Blue that my peeps had been hanging with them. I was a little embarrassed.
But, just as I was going to leave the park with my head hung low I saw my BDFF, BOSCO!!!! I hope we get to hang out with him more often soon. I did get to play with him a little bit before it was time to go.
Oh yeah, Blue was worried because a little 3 month old Vizsla named Finny had taken off into the woods. Blue had been keeping an eye on him so he was very worried. As the luck of the marrow bone would have it, little Finny was found safe and sound. Puppies, they are a lot of work.
Merlin the negative of Blue

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday and Sunday

This is my person's favorite path at the park.
Well, yesterday my person took care of her own needs first thing in the morning and I got no exercise. To add insult to injury she came home last night smelling of the Newfies. I know that all three of them, my person, my bonus person(formerly known as only walks sometimes person) and our girl all went out and cheated on me. I am shocked and dismayed.

Anyway, my person took me this morning and that is good. I am sorry to say it is very humid again. Well, off we went and on the way in we saw Cody but he was on leash and his person seemed mad at him. I don't know what that was about but Cody you better bring your person his slippers and newspaper today. That seems to calm the peeps down.

I forgot to mention the other day that a tree had fallen down across the path to the water. Today Sallies person had brought a people tool and was cutting it up so that peeps and pups can pass without going over or under this tree. Thanks Sallie's person! You rock.

Down at the river I ran into Duke and a ton of other yellow dogs. As we were frolicking Duke told me something important. He and his family are moving away. WOW! They did not consult Duke but they are looking for a dog park in the new place they are going to live. The one thing that is kind of cool is that Duke's person is going to go back to school. The school is named after DUKE!

I wonder if there is a school named Merlin. The University of Merlin. I like it. I do not want to move though. Good luck Duke and his peeps. Come back and visit.

So, we stayed at the river and I played a lot. After awhile we left and headed out with Pierre, Trixie and Benji. We saw Daisy on the way out. I love that girl. There were lots of small people and dogs around. I am off to sleep in the shade.
Merlin the wishing for cooler weather.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Another beautiful day

  • So I am ready to report another beautiful day at the dog park. Today was a little funny. We hardly saw anyone again but it was so pretty out I almost did not care.

At the top of the hill with the beautiful view I ran into Pippin. I see this guy in passing all the time. We always do a mad dash around each other and than go our separate ways. That is Pippin in the picture with me at the top of the hill. Also, there is this really beautiful bench between 2 trees that your person can sit on and look at this great view. It is a good thing to teach your person to sit there and rest, meditate, read or whatever. This way you get to stay running up and down the hill and they do not even notice how much time has passed. It is an easy way to train your person with out them even knowing your training them.

Also, I have figured out that my peeps seem to think that recycling is a good thing. I am trying to give a little nudge to them to recycle bones with me! I mean does that not make sense?

Anyway, after the hill we went to the water. I stayed there a little longer today. We ran into Tango on the big hill. My person stopped to chat and Tango and I hung out. Bandit the Golden came by. He was very confused because yesterday he passed me and Tango in the very same spot. Yeah, we stayed over night on the hill Bandit. BOL (Bark Out Load) So, finally we went up and Tango went down the hill. Up in the field I met a girl named Cleopatra! She was pretty and we sort of tried to play but it seemed I had 2 left paws. So, we smiled and went on our way.

After that it was just me and my person hanging out. The birds were back singing their happy song, the breeze was blowing through my freshly brush tail and I was content with my dog life.

I am off to my nap now and I leave you with these final words. Do not wonder for whom the tail wags. It wags for you.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to Normal

Well, I got a note from my person's cousin about the photo from the top of the hill. It is pretty wonderful from up there. Plus, my person got a new phone so the lens is better and takes better pictures.
Today I felt like it was a perfect day for a perfect walk with perfect friends. We got down to the beach and once again it was so cool out I just took a little dip and we were off again.
Shortly after that I saw my girl Pearl. I am always so happy to see her. It was like yesterday all over again. There was running, rolling and a lot of dancing. Soon came a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel named Ruby. Well, that little girl told Pearl and me all about it. She was screaming about not messing with her because she was little! After a little while she realized that we got the message and the three of us played. Ruby headed off after a little while. Finally, Pearl and I got the message across that we wanted to continue to walk together. Pearl's person turned and came with us. In a few minutes we were approached by Manny, Bosco's brother. So, the people stopped and the three of us started playing. GREAT. Along comes Tango (Aussie)and the 4 of us are flying through the grass and bumping into our people's legs and generally having a dog gone good time. Manny's person turns and the 4 of us head up the hill together. Well, the rest of the walk was all about playing with my friends, running through the corn field, peeing on everything I could and claiming the park for the fun place that it is!!!! Of course in a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog and they all could play at the park!
We walked all the way out of the park together and I just loved it. Today it felt like dogs were back from vacation and life my dog life is back to normal!
Friends Fur-ever.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh What A Beautiful Morning

WOW! It was so cool and beautiful out this morning both me and my person could not wait to go to the park. There are so many reasons that the park is great for both of us.
The night before last the thunder came again in the middle of the night. I jumped the gate and ran upstairs to check on Jessie and my peeps. I lept into their bed right on top of my person. She got up and came downstairs with me but she did not seem happy about my protecting her and the others. Plus, yesterday morning she was tired and it was raining so I was out of luck.
As usual today made up for yesterday a million times over. It was so cool but sunny and my person and I definitely enjoyed that.

We walked up toward the Disc Golf wall and than down to the bench on top of the
medium hill. This picture is from the top of that hill. I love running up and down that hill and my person loves the view so we are both very happy there.
We went to the beach first today because there was no need to be sure I cooled off at the end of the walk. At the water we ran into Buddy and Mel. Isn't Buddy a cute little fellow. My person sometimes calls me Buddy. Maybe Buddy is my middle name. Merlin Buddy etc. OK I'll buy it. It was great to see Buddy and Mel walking together. They have been walking with other dogs recently and that has made me wonder if they were having a doggie fued. Glad that was not the case.
So, I took a quick dip and continued on. I heard something down near the deep part of the river. Suddenly I saw my girl PEARL! Running and jumping and rolling started and I was happy. We were headed in different directions but my person and Pearl's person are canine cronies so they stopped and chatted. This gave Pearl and I time to really enjoy each other. I was so glad that one of my favorite Labs had come out of the woods! She is a sweetie and full of energy.
Up the big hill we went and saw Pierre, Benji, Trixie and Ziggy walking together. A friendly butt sniff and off we went again.
We were lucky enough to see Bella the miracle dog. She looks great and has not shown any signs of the illness they said last year that she would not live through. That Bella is a sweetie and a beauty and I am a better dog for knowing her. Right after little Bella we saw Caber and Niles. While having a little exploration with the boys a new dog showed up. He is a Vizsla named Romeo. Just like all the other Vizsla's at the park this guy was full of energy and fun, fun, fun. He said he just moved here and found the dog park straight away. That is very lucky for him. I am looking forward to playing with that guy in the days to come.
OK. I am so happy about today's walk that I think I will just go lay down and enjoy thinking about it over and over again.
Merlin the Cool Dog

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today we got to the park early but not too early. We walked up the first small hill toward the board with the Disc Golf info on it. We went down that path till the fork in the path. We took the left hand side. We walked all the way through the woods until we got to the first big field. We walked through the first big field and than the field with the corn growing. We went down the really big hill and finally saw the first dog. It was Wally the Golden that is always with his person the jogger. He stopped to say hello. I did not even know his name was Wally until today because he is always jogging but smiles and says Hi. Anyway. We continued all the way by the river and to the beach. I laid down for a few minutes but than we left. We saw Brody the Black Lab on the way out. We went up the hill toward the bench and on that next path saw 2 little dogs named Jude and Bijue. So, that is almost the entire walk and I saw 4 dogs. Where is everyone? I was so lonely. I don't know any of those dogs very well at all so I had no playmates at all. The other thing I noticed is even stranger. We heard very few if any birds. The birds usually sing to us through the whole walk and we only heard a couple of Woodpeckers while in the big fields. Do birds go on vacation too? Do they follow the people? I am more than a little confused.
On the last path to the parking lot I saw that little Addie the Beagle mix. I wish I saw her earlier because she is a fun girl.
Right before the parking lot I saw the stately Nanook. His person is so nice to him. did I ever tell you she walks him at the park even though his people are neighbors of hers. Now that just goes to show that there are peeps who are good right down to their souls. Nanook is a good fellow and I am glad he is my friend and that that nice person brings him to where every dog has a right to be!
Merlin the Social Activist

Sunday, August 17, 2008


So, yesterday after my walk my peeps took off for the whole day. Jessie, Mimi and I were complaining a lot to each other during the day. Well, we had to eat our words! Know why? Well, we got a real live doggie bag of people food! YAAAHOOOO! There was enough so that all three of us got some last night and again this morning. OK so they can go on that day trip whenever they want!

My person that only walks sometimes came with us this morning. that was so cool. We went later than usual though so it was sort of hot. I jumped into the river and all was well again. I am keeping today's blog short because my person must go do Mimi's walk and after she gets her home she must do Jessie's walk! I could do the blog alone but she still insists on supervising my time on the computer. JEEEZZZEEEE!
I almost forgot. Fergus' person gave me a hot dog!!!!! Wow, I just keep getting the goods!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

early, foggy but fun

So, we went to the park very early this morning. My peeps are all going on a day trip to see my persons cousin who sends me notes sometimes. I do not mind too much because I got walked and this cousin got us our collars.
OK so there were only 2 cars in the parking lot when we got there. It was very quiet and foggy. It was peaceful for my person. I get nervous and feel like I have to be on guard against... well, everything. The trees are dripping, the wind is blowing a little. It is strange. I had to keep looking everywhere for danger.
We saw some joggers and they all had dogs with them. I wondered today if it is better to have a jogger as a person. You probably do not get as much hang out with other dogs time (unless you are Fergus, whose person does both). But you get to go around the park over and over. I don't know why I am even thinking about it because my person told me she is not jogging anywhere.
So, in the corn fields we saw a person and a spaniel of some sort. The dog stayed back and ran through the fields. He was short and I could not really see him. The picture is of me using my keen sense of hearing to see where he was and chase him through the corn fields. I never even caught his name but I had a ton of fun with him.
Hey, there used to be these 2 dogs that hung out at the park named Jack and Cassy. Their person moved away a long time ago. The talk around the tennis ball clutch is that they moved somewhere where they play in salt water. I tasted salt once and I do not like it. Why would anyone put it in a perfectly good water area. That makes no sense to me at all. Must be a person idea. Anyway, I heard that those 2 came back to visit recently and went right through the park the same way they used to. They went to all the same areas they loved and jumped in the river right where they used to. I am glad dogs have long memories. I wish I saw them but maybe I will get to see them next time.
So, we saw lots of pals on the way out. We saw Kurby the barking Cocker Spaniel. there is something about that one I really like.
Ziggy and Fergus were welcomed stops on the way out. The other morning we were on our way in when everyone else was on their way out. Today I was on my way out while everyone else was on their way in! I hope we get it right tomorrow!
Merlin the going against the grain!

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's All Good

That's right I have nothing but good news today! This picture is of a really cool guy named Dexter. Recently he had some really serious heart trouble. His person brought him to a new Vet that knows a lot about hearts. Anyway, the Dex man is on new medications and is doing great! Hooray for you Dexter.
Now, the other good news is that those big round things that were in the top field were all gone this morning! Why do you think that is? I think me marking one of them as my own has something to do with it. Don't mess with Merlin with the beautiful tail. He will defend the park till the very end. HA!
So, the other good news is that the grass in the lower fields is still really long and I ran through there today all by myself. It is a bit like a game of hide and seek with my person. In some spots the grass is so high I can jump up and than hide when I come down. I am so amused!
We walked a long way with Pierre, Benji and Trixie. Not only is that Trixie girl cute but she can dance. She kept running up next to her brothers and sort of throwing herself into their sides. It was so cool to watch. I am not sure if she was trying to do "the bump" of just plain old slam dance.
We saw Niles and Caber on our way out of the park today. I always have to look twice to tell them apart anymore because Caber is so big he looks a lot like Niles!
OK I gotta go practice my dance moves in case Trixie invites me to dance with her.
Merlin the Dancing Fool

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmm....

So, sometimes after I get home from the park I nap and dream of the park. Sometimes I just imagine dogs there all day long walking the same trails I walk. Swimming in the same river I swim in. Everyday, I go back and there is evidence that I was right. Once in awhile something strange happens. I arrive at the park and something is out of the ordinary. Maybe the corn has started to grow or the grass has been cut so I can't run through the high stuff that I love. Usually, I can go with the flow but than something really weird happens. In the big field today there were all these big round things. There were dozens of them. What are they? Who put them there? I was really nervous about them even though my person kept telling me to relax. I ran straight ahead at these big things and barked at it. Nothing. I did a mad dash around it. Nothing. I went right up to it and gave it a good sniff. Smells like grass. HHHMMMMM. Well, if I don't have to protect against it, play with it or eat it what should I do? I peed on it and kicked dirt on it with me back paws and left it there. Huh, I guess I won that one.
So, we saw Flannel and Fergus in the lower fields, Ziggy and Daisy at the end of the walk.
Other than that my person and I walked alone. We really enjoyed the park together. we sat down together someplace and she let me lay in the water all alone for a bit. I liked that. I even laid down with my back paws straight out. Now, that is relaxed!
I do not care if those things in the big field stay or go now. They know I am
Merlin the Keeper of the Park!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Well, the beginning of today started out a little strange. I loaded up and
was ready to settle in for the ride to the park. My person stopped at the corner house and picked up a new friend. His name is Parker and he is staying at the house right on the corner from our house for this whole week. I can always use a new buddy so I was OK with that.
Parker lives in an urban area where they do not have dog parks. Also, he came to his person from Kentucky a couple of years ago. I love to meet dogs that have histories that are different from mine. I mean I road on one airplane and thought I was cool. Parker has me beat for sure.
Anyway, at first Parker took his time on the walk. I could not really blame him. Do you have any idea how many smells there are at the dog park? I can remember being new and just as happy as I could be sniffing and looking and sniffing.
So, first we ran into pretty little Bella who just loves to strut her stuff. Shortly into the walk we saw Niles and Caber. Parker, Niles and Caber greeted each other in very doggy ways. You know, ground scratching, short quick barks, a little dodge and weave. I know Niles and Caber and had already figured out Parker so I just sat down and yawned!
Off we went and saw little Buddy with his friend Sam. I hope Sam keeps hanging around because I like his youthful inquisitiveness. Is that a word?
Anyway, through the big fields, down the big hill we went. I took my dip in the deep part of the river to check for Bosco. No Bosco but Parker came with me! That was sort of fun. It made me miss Mimi today because I just loved having someone with me like a sibling. Mimi is still limping but she is walking around the neighborhood.
Anyway, we hung at the beach and it was fun. On the way out we saw Cody my, tail competition, with Scout and Charlotte the Border Collies. It was really good to see them. It has been awhile. I did check out Cody's tail and she does have a beautiful one. Do not think for one second she is better than me. That is not what I am saying. So, off we went to finish the walk, up the hill down the final path to the parking lot. Parker was so happy he kept taking off into the woods and taking his time getting back. I could not blame him. I could spend all day at the park. Good to meet you Parker. Hope you come back soon.
Merlin the tour guide

Tuesday, August 12, 2008



Wow, it was so buggy today that I got a couple of mosquito bites in uncomfortable places. That is the bad news. The funny part is watching my person around these blood suckers. She tries to slp them away before they bite her. In this attempt she sort of looks like someone who is really mad themselves. She slaps her neck, face, legs and arms with some serious passion. I know I should not laugh but I can not help myself. She is a silly person. We were on our way in today and it was like someone had put up a one way sign and we were going the wrong way. We
saw Pearl and Lola along with about 10 dogs and 4 or 5 peeps headed the other way. I was glad to see Pearl because it has been awhile. I hope I get to hang out with her soon.
Anyway, after my person and Pearl's person had a brief chat we were on our way. This is were we go into the woods a little deeper and my person really starts slapping herself.
We saw Pierre, Benji and little Trixie in the top big fields. It was really fun to walk with them. Trixie has arguably become the smallest and sassiest of all the dogs at the park.
They went down to the river to get their extra drinks and we stayed on our usual way. I took the big dip in the deep water to check for Bosco. No luck. So, down to the beach and who do I see? Fergus, my man. We both got into the river but I could only go out a couple of feet. It is so high that even stepping into it from the beach has the water up to my knees. I laid down just far enough for the water not to go over my back. My gorgeous tail floats a top the river wild. Ahhh, it is a beautiful thing. So, Pierre and his crew caught up to us. As we were all leaving we met the Chocolate Lab puppy named Bruno. He has really gotten big. He gave me a little bob and weave dance to entice me to chase him. Truth be told I wasn't sure what was going on at first and I missed my cue. Oh well, there will be more opportunities.
My person and I kept walking so she could stop slapping bugs. Now, if peeps just let their nails get longer and than they could get a good scratch in instead of this slapping thing. Anyway, we walked out alone and saw Tango on the way. She chases me hard and fast and as much as I like it I hate her getting the best of me.
Hey, my person keeps whispering the word "Furminator" in my ear. I am not sure but she seems so happy that I think it is a new grooming tool. Ut Oh!
Merlin the matted

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Danny Boy

Well, my person did something yesterday she has never done in all my days of walking. She got up and fed us and went back to bed. She slept really late and then did not walk me at the park. She was appropriately repentant and made big promises for today. I forgive her because she pulled through this morning.
We took off with the understanding that I would be able to stay for as long as I wanted. Well, that is not entirely true because I would never leave. Well, maybe at feeding time I would want to go home. Anyway, we walked alone and than ran into a cool block Cocker Spaniel named Kurby. Sometimes little dogs just bark their heads off at me. I am not sure why. As we walked a really beautiful Weimaraner ran by. I ran with him for a few minutes. His person was a jogger so they left us but I knew he and I could be buddies. So, my person and I went down the really big hill. I took a quick dip in the deep end of the river and than headed for the beach. There were a ton of dogs there. The Weimaraner I had seen a little in the big upper field was there. His name is Danny. Anyway, Manny, Abby and a bunch of labs were there. After awhile everyone left but me, Danny and Abby the Mastiff. Danny's person threw the ball for him into the river over and over again. I had so much fun chasing that dog as he chased the ball. In one of those pictures Danny is running with me hot on his heals. My person stayed there for a really, really loooonnnng time. OK so she followed through and I adore her again.
After some time Abby's peeps said they were leaving and started to go away from the beach. Across the river was Walter who dove right into the water and had no desire and/or intention of going back to his person. Abby heard all this commotion and abandoned her peeps and returned to the beach. In the mean time a little Pooldle~ish girl named Lily showed up. She was little but tough because she took on Walter and that made Walter not want to leave even more.
Abby's person ended up getting in the water to try and convince Walter to go back to the other side. It was a sight to see the person in the river and Abby and Walter doing as they pleased. Abby's peeps stayed awhile longer because... Well, who could say no to Abby? Walter finally went back to the other side of the river. Abby eventually left and we stayed a bit longer.
On the way out we saw Scooter, Winnie, Henry, Elvis, Bessie, Brewster, and a few others. We caught up to Abby and finished the walk with them. It was a beautiful morning and a really long walk.
I am filthy, tired and most of all happy.
Merlin the dog with the new BDFF

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dog Day

So, they say every dog has his day. Well, I guess that is true because every day is my day and I am a dog. We left really late today because some men came to our house and are making a lot of noise in the basement. My person seems happy about them being here. Me and Mimi are on high alert. Speaking of Mimi she is doing her exercises and seems to be recovering OK. She is still a month away from being back at the park. Thank you to all you dogs and peeps who ask about her everyday! You all rock.

So, off we went and we saw my 'ole friend Amber. Seeing Amber is like seeing your home. She is solid as a rock in spirit and I always feel reassured. I think pups see my sister Jessie like that too. Anyway, the big fields on the top of the hill are now planted with corn. They are still small stalks and I can easily jump them as you can see in the picture. I wish Mimi was there because I can show off in front of her. Even with a good knee she can not jump like me because of her short legs.

Anyway, I met a beauty of a Husky named Indigo up there. You know what is funny about that? We have a fish named Indigo. Huh, I wonder if there could be some inter species lo e going on. The other picture is the view going down "the hill". It really is steep but I love to run down it and the space on either side provides many a little rascals to chase. I ran into Josie the famous mouse catcher on the hill. I hung out with her for awhile. I really like her and she is pedigree challenged just like Jessie. The peeps guess Lab and Pitt. I say who cares. Anyway I ran down the first set of hills near the deep water. This is where Bosco swims but I have not seen him all week. He dropped me a note saying this week was probably not good but I look anyway. There was a Jack Russel named Charlie that chased me to the top of the hill. He stayed up there and yelled at me all the while I took a dip. I only stay there a minute because deep water and I are acquainted but not quite friends. Off to the beach we went. We saw Ridge and a cool dog named King. There was running and splashing and I did my usual dip in the river. The water is so high that I can hardly go out more than a couple of feet before it just gets too deep to lay in. I have not heard any of the big bad thunder today. My person who walks me slept downstairs with me last night because I hate those loud bangs. She loves me! How do we get that loud stuff to stop?

We saw Liken at the beach and walked out with her. I was glad to see her because it has been a long time. I have never seen a dog who can chase a ball as fast, far or as often as her. She is truly impressive.

OK I must go see what these peeps are doing in the basement and take a nap. A dogs work is never done.

Merlin the corn jumper.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Top Dog

So, we headed out a bit late today. It ended up working out just fine however. We saw a beautiful yellow Lab puppy named Sam with Buddy the Bichon Frise. Shortly there after we ran into Fergus. Fergus wins the Top Dog Award for today. My person took a picture of him but it came out bad so you will just have to picture in your mind the handsome Yellow Lab who is a very cool guy. Guess who he saw today. A snapping turtle. I do not know if it was Snappy or someone different. Guess what my boy Fergus did? He barked at it. You go Fergus you brave soul! (singing) Go Fergus, It's your birthday. Go Fergus, it's your birthday.

Anyway off we went and we ran into Sally. She saw some ducks in the river and she dove right out there to chase them. I was proud of her until I realized how high the river is and how swift the current was. Sally's person went over to the top of the hill and kept calling her until she could swim out. It was a little scary. Glad you are OK Sally.

At the beach we saw Ollie, (Golden Retriever) Cashus, (Boxer) Ziggy, (Dalmatian mix) and Sally of course. When you look at the picture, think about this. What are they all looking for? The ball of course. Who is the only dog laying down and relaxing? Me! I have the ball! Tee hee. They finally figured it out and Ziggy got the ball after I was on shore with it and it rolled down the hill. I was having a good 'ole time playing with them that time.We walked out with Ziggy and Cashus. They played keep away from each other the entire time. I got the ball once and my person made me give it back. No fair!

Anyway, I am glad it stopped raining long enough to get a walk in!

Merlin the ball hider.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Tons and Tons of rain makes Merlin a sad boy! I am dreaming of sunny days.
Merlin the Drenched

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I am just so happy to have the dog park today. It was just one of those days when I we would just zip through the park without the socialization portion of the walk. I don't know why I ever think that. First of all we know a lot of dogs and peeps there. Plus, if you know my person you know she just loves to talk!
Anyway, we headed down the path the way we used to always go . Down at the river there were a few dogs I did not know but I took a big long dip in the water. I felt to good.
Off we went and walked alone until we got to the top of the big hill. We saw Cody with the beautiful tail. I was so glad that my person brushed me yesterday because that Cody really does have a tail that makes him a contender!
We saw Amber with Pierre, Benji and the lovely little Trixie in the distance. We stopped and hung with them for awhile and the socialization began. Yap, yap, yap! I really like all those dogs so it is good to hang with them. We also saw the family Elvis. That includes the 2 Bassets, Elvis and Bessie (I think) the Dachshund Brewster and the Mastiff puppy, Henry. Boy, I thought we had a big family. Henry is not even a year old yet and he is starting to get almost as big as Abby the Mastiff.
Daisy showed up a little ways down the path. Wow! 2 days in a row. Lucky me. OK now here is the part that I do not want to tell you but my person is insisting. I did not report this the other day and I thought I had slid under the radar. My person and I saw Josie today and my person had to stop and tell her this story so she is now insisting I blog about it. OK we were leaving the park on Saturday morning and we saw Josie's person but Josie was not right next to her. Neither of us thought much about that. As we continued down the path we saw Josie on the right hand side of the path intent on something on the ground. I hurried up to see what she was up to. It was a little tiny mouse. It was as small as the fake ones we have at home for our feline siblings. So, Josie was bating it back and forth. What my person also wants me to tell you is that as I approached them I jumped backward and almost fell over. My person thought that I had been stung by something so she hurried up to be sure I was OK. Once she saw the mouse she laughed her head off. It startled me is all. I was not afraid. Well, sort of not afraid.
Anyway, there I told the whole story!
Merlin the fearless.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

So today it looked like my person was not going to get me to the park. I would have been one un-
happy dog. She finally said the magic words "OK Merlin, lets go load up" That means that I should jump into the way back of the car. Last week I jumped to soon and banged my head because the hatch back was not all the way open yet. OUCH! I gotta watch out for that.
When we got to the park there were very few cars in the parking lot. This made me very sad. We started walking and before long I heard a "hello" from behind us. It was my buddy Daisy~ I was happy to see her. We all walked together and before long Daisy and I were running around having a wonderful time. I felt OK about Daisy's person and my person being on their own. Daisy's person is one of my person's original canine cronies.
We ran into Watson and Willie. The 4 of us chased... Well, I don't know what we chased. all I know is that Daisy took off running with Watson hot on her tail so Willie and I followed suit. Whatever it was we were chasing I can tell you no body caught.
Down at the river we saw Big Scout. He and I are also neighbors. You can see what a handsome guy he is in the picture. He is so mellow I sometimes try to make sure he is breathing. I took his ball from him and he did not care one little bit. I went and chased Daisy again just because I could. Clyde showed up as well as Bandit. It was a nice small pack of mild mannered doggies all sharing space. Fergus came by to say hello just as we were leaving. Daisy and I walked out together with Bandit close behind. The weather was not too hot and the river was so cool that the day was nothing short of perfect. My person is waving a brush around which can only mean one thing. I have to go and hide.
Merlin the invisible.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What are those peeps up to?

OK, so splain' this to me??? Last night my peeps went out with out us dogs. When they came home I immediately knew they had been with Benji, Pierre and the lovely Trixie. After further investigation I could detect Fergus, Winnie, Scooter, Ziggy, Dexter, Fred, Rosie, Rio, Piper and their other Beagle, Amber, Daisy, Rascal, Oliver and maybe some more. Where in the name of Lassie were these peep? I was not amused by their silence and their sneakiness.

The dog park was a fun time this morning. We saw Abby the Black Lab right away and walked with her for awhile. Soon, we ran into Pierre, Benji and Trixie. Guess what? My peeps were at their home yesterday with all these other peeps. I am shocked and hoping that all the peeps come to my house soon. I feel a little left out!

Anyway we walked with those 3 for a bit and ran into Sonic, Sculley, and Holly. You know that means only one thing. My person goes gah, gah over the people puppy! Those peeps are way cool though because she bent way down so I could give that little guy a sniff. He smells of all kinds of good stuff! Hooray!

So, off we went again and we saw Fergus who was also wondering where his peeps had been. Pierre and the crew filled him in. I think we need to unite around this issue. Doggies for gathering together everywhere. Or something like that.

Anyway, we saw lots of dogs at the river today. Ziggy (pictured above) was there and looking splendid as ever. Get this there were 2 dogs there together. Their names were Nula and Luna. Can you see what makes those 2 names so cool together? Can you huh? Anyway I gotta fly because my peeps are taking a day trip and they are leaving us at home. They better not be going to hang with my BDFF's peeps without me again! That would be just wrong.

Merlin the Misunderstood

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well, the mystery of why my persons pictures of me are not coming out good anymore has been solved. The lens on her camera phone is cracked. Probably happened on one of her many trips from the upright to the prone position. I sort of like how I look in this picture though. Sort of mystical and esoteric.
So, I did get to go to the park today but I did not see Bosco! I ran into Ziggy and we walked a long time together. I chased her a little bit but mostly I did my run like the wind through the high grass dance alone. Down at the river I saw Cashus and a few other dogs but I did not really know anyone. I was hoping to see some of my BDFF's but I was disappointed. So, off we went after I had a refreshing lay down in the river. We saw Nesta but they were headed in the other direction. Too bad because Nesta's energy was exactly what I was looking for this morning. I saw Nanook who was flying solo today. I guess they have a new brother so there are some separate walking arrangements going on. I bet Mimi would have liked that when I was a puppy. I made her nuts.
We ran into this family of 3 who are an Irish Setter named Anna Bell, a Lab named Chloe and a little Yorkie named Oliver. I see this family regularly and always give a little "Whas' up, dawg?" but today I walked with them briefly. That Anna Bell is a looker I tell you. The other 2 are pretty sweet too. It was nice to make acquaintances friends.
I saw Jack the Rhodesian Ridgeback on the way out. He does not try and dance with me like Cody does. I find that refreshing. Manny, Amber, Beara and many more were all near the parking lot as we left. It is so humid today that I actually laid down in the way back of the car on the way home.
I hope it cools off some so I can really enjoy the great outdoors.
Merlin The Wizard of Northampton

Friday, August 1, 2008


Hey Bosco thanks for the note. I totally understand what you have to deal with with your person being a wimp. Yesterday my person was not feeling well. Today, we have some strangers doing work on the house so I have to wait until they are done before I can walk. I mean what is more important here!
Next week we will be at the park between 8:45am and 9am. Our girl has to be dropped off at camp at 8:30 so I have to wait until that is done. Again, something before me!
My person has promised me a LONG. walk tomorrow.
I should cut her some slack because I woke her up at 2am to let her know that someone was lighting fire crackers on the next block over. I just thought she should know. It was not because I was scared.
Merlin the second class citizen!