Thursday, August 7, 2008

Top Dog

So, we headed out a bit late today. It ended up working out just fine however. We saw a beautiful yellow Lab puppy named Sam with Buddy the Bichon Frise. Shortly there after we ran into Fergus. Fergus wins the Top Dog Award for today. My person took a picture of him but it came out bad so you will just have to picture in your mind the handsome Yellow Lab who is a very cool guy. Guess who he saw today. A snapping turtle. I do not know if it was Snappy or someone different. Guess what my boy Fergus did? He barked at it. You go Fergus you brave soul! (singing) Go Fergus, It's your birthday. Go Fergus, it's your birthday.

Anyway off we went and we ran into Sally. She saw some ducks in the river and she dove right out there to chase them. I was proud of her until I realized how high the river is and how swift the current was. Sally's person went over to the top of the hill and kept calling her until she could swim out. It was a little scary. Glad you are OK Sally.

At the beach we saw Ollie, (Golden Retriever) Cashus, (Boxer) Ziggy, (Dalmatian mix) and Sally of course. When you look at the picture, think about this. What are they all looking for? The ball of course. Who is the only dog laying down and relaxing? Me! I have the ball! Tee hee. They finally figured it out and Ziggy got the ball after I was on shore with it and it rolled down the hill. I was having a good 'ole time playing with them that time.We walked out with Ziggy and Cashus. They played keep away from each other the entire time. I got the ball once and my person made me give it back. No fair!

Anyway, I am glad it stopped raining long enough to get a walk in!

Merlin the ball hider.

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