Saturday, August 30, 2008

great morning

Off to the park we went and I was so happy. It looks like it is going to rain any minute and I was not sure that we would make it to the sacred land of dogness. Once at the park I was not sure we would stay for the entire walk. Well, I am happy to say that all of my dreams came true. We got there and we went around the big loop. I am a happy dog.

After we went down the big beautiful scenery hill I ran into Fergus. Hooray! I have learned that he and I can walk together while exploring on our own and still be together. At the beach we saw Ziggy and some others. After we chased the ball a few times my person had us off and running again. The air is very sticky and my fur clings to me as if it is ... well, like a coat.

I was still glad we got to do the walk even though it is so humid. We saw Buddy and Cody toward the end of the walk. I did not get to ask Cody why his person was so mad at him last week because he immediately wrapped his paws around my hips and started that silly dance again. I am getting tired of that dance. I want to just play hide and go sniff.

I did learn an important thing about Buddy. His full name is Bud E. Fufu. Now, look at the hair cut and you can see why!

On the way out Fergus took off to play hide and go pee but I did not see him leave so I missed out on the game. Right before the parking lot we saw beautiful Abby the Mastiff. Look at that face!!! I just love her! Abby and I always remind each other that even the biggest dog has been a pup and loves to be scratched behind the ears. I mean it could be permanent employment for my peeps

Merlin the sticky

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