Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well, the mystery of why my persons pictures of me are not coming out good anymore has been solved. The lens on her camera phone is cracked. Probably happened on one of her many trips from the upright to the prone position. I sort of like how I look in this picture though. Sort of mystical and esoteric.
So, I did get to go to the park today but I did not see Bosco! I ran into Ziggy and we walked a long time together. I chased her a little bit but mostly I did my run like the wind through the high grass dance alone. Down at the river I saw Cashus and a few other dogs but I did not really know anyone. I was hoping to see some of my BDFF's but I was disappointed. So, off we went after I had a refreshing lay down in the river. We saw Nesta but they were headed in the other direction. Too bad because Nesta's energy was exactly what I was looking for this morning. I saw Nanook who was flying solo today. I guess they have a new brother so there are some separate walking arrangements going on. I bet Mimi would have liked that when I was a puppy. I made her nuts.
We ran into this family of 3 who are an Irish Setter named Anna Bell, a Lab named Chloe and a little Yorkie named Oliver. I see this family regularly and always give a little "Whas' up, dawg?" but today I walked with them briefly. That Anna Bell is a looker I tell you. The other 2 are pretty sweet too. It was nice to make acquaintances friends.
I saw Jack the Rhodesian Ridgeback on the way out. He does not try and dance with me like Cody does. I find that refreshing. Manny, Amber, Beara and many more were all near the parking lot as we left. It is so humid today that I actually laid down in the way back of the car on the way home.
I hope it cools off some so I can really enjoy the great outdoors.
Merlin The Wizard of Northampton

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