Hey, this is my friend Winnie. She has a sister named Scooter that is also one of my BDFFs. This is what I want all of you to focus your dog energy on. winnie is a cancer survivor and recently her very attentive peeps have found a lump. At the end of the month Winnie is going to have an operation to have the lump removed and
they will find out what it is. This is what we have to do. Put all of our dog energy together and create a vortex of good energy for our pal Winnie. She is 1o years old and she is a real sweetie. Make sure to pass this information on to all of your dog friends and especially puppies. Everyone knows that puppies give the very best energy of all. Good luck Winnie. We will be thinking of you.
This is Scooter and I frolicking about in the water. She is just so much fun to run and play with. We saw Winnie and Scooter as soon as we got to the park and started off with them down Chipmunk Ally. This is when Scooter gave me all the information about her sisters health.
This is Scooter and I frolicking about in the water. She is just so much fun to run and play with. We saw Winnie and Scooter as soon as we got to the park and started off with them down Chipmunk Ally. This is when Scooter gave me all the information about her sisters health.
After a moment to ponder all of this we realized that it was a beautifully clear and crisp morning. Scooter looked at me. I looked at Scooter, Scooter ran I chased and the fun was on.
The cool weather brings on my puppy energy and I ran until I could not run anymore. we went to the beach up the hill and all the way Scooter and I dashed off while Winnie had her own fun with hiding and making her person try to find her. Tee hee.
As we were in the top field we saw Ridge. Well, it revived a whole new revitalized dog energy and we ran again. I chased Scooter, Scooter chased Ridge, Ridge chased Scooter I chased Scooter. I was always the chaser because that is what I like best and it is also because I am not as fast as them but I will deny that if I am asked.
We saw the old posse of Clementine, Deli, Flannel and Luna. What's up dawgs? Your small people are all back in school huh? See I can figure this is all out. I have a small person too.
Then we saw Ziggy who seems like she is in a much better mood. Caber and Niles arrived and while the canine cronies chatted up a storm we all roamed and rushed between their legs. I got upset about all those dogs being so close to my person and I jumped up on her to remind her that she is mine. I have still not learned that that never works. She gives me that stern "down Merlin" and I feel bad to have disappointed her.
Than I think Naaaaa, she just says that in public but really she loves everyone knowing that she is mine. Yeah, yeah, that's it!!!!
OK so I am done with the blog and done for the day! Sweet dreams to me!
Merlin who will jump up again!
Thank you so much for those kind thoughts. Lumps don't scare me - I had one taken out 5 years ago, and this is the first new one since. Besides, this means more biscuits, for sure.
Stick stick stick water run biscuit? biscuit? stick stick stick
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