Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hey I had a great walk at the park today.
I just have one request for the peeps.
Please do not dress us up in those costumes and march us around.
We don't like it.
We don't think it is cute.
We get no candy!
Thank you,
Merlin the Yes on 3 supporter

Thursday, October 30, 2008


It is that time of year again when some short haired dogs wear sweaters and coats. I sometimes am a little jealous of how colorful and beautiful these garments are. Then, I remember, I came with my own gorgeous coat! It might be nice to have a change every now and then. Something to ponder while I am admiring my reflection in the river. Whoops! that was a secret!
We saw Finny right after the beach. That little guy is so much fun. He has springs on his feet and a motor that makes him run. I am just sure of it. We walked with him for awhile and I got my puppy fix. He got a big stick so I had to run up and take it from him. Guess what he did? He chased me and tried to get it back. It was really fun.

(Finny being a fun puppy)
We walked alone for most of the walk today. Mimi is walking very well. She is even complaining when I play with others so the universe is back in balance. I am so glad she is with us again.
After the big field we saw a bunch of dogs playing and my BDFF, Pearl was right there. Need I say more? Running in the big field was under way and Pearl continually asked me to to the hip swingers dance. We saw Abby and Reilly on the last path before the parking lot. Reilly is staying with Abby for a while while his person is away. So, Reilly sort of goes to camp at Abby's house. That ROCKS!!!
(Me and Pearl)
Finally, we saw Bella, Mel and Buddy. Well, Mel was actually not with them at first and her person had that peeps attitude we call peepatude. Bella caught me up on what was the howl. Mel, caught a mouse. Mel's person got the mouse away from Mel and caught a peepatude. Mel, being insulted at the person's complete misunderstanding of how important this is refused to join them for awhile. Well, while Mel's person was saying "bad dog" I was saying "rock on my friend Mel!" "I got ya dawg!" Be proud about your hunting even if your person has limited knowledge of your superior hunting abilities.
(Bella and Mel/ Mel the Huntress)
Merlin the proud of Mel!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I get no respect

Well, I am in a sort of over protective frame of mind. I tried to convince Maggie (Weimaraner), Reilly, (Boxer), Ridge, (Lab) and Bella (Golden) that I am the boss of all things and that they are not allowed to go near my person. Here is the problem. None of them, not one, believed me or took me seriously. They did not even see me with the dead pricker stick stuck in my tail. I was twisting and turning to get it. I finally got it out and I ate it. I thought I would show that pricker stick what for. OUCH! Don't try that at home.
Soon after we arrived we saw Maggie and Denver. They were leaving but we did stop and say hey. Mimi got some pets and welcome back to the park words. Down to the river we saw the fabulous, Pearl, Mel, Lola and Buddy. We all ran out in the fields. Well, Buddy does not go running in the fields because he fancies himself a sophisticated little guy. Well, you get no arguments from me about that.
(Buddy the Sophisticated)(The Fab4)
Off we went and we ran into Abby (Mastiff) and Reilly. Reilly and I had a loud game of I am the boss and Abby just got to running and playing and before I knew it I was having fun. Even Mimi played around a little bit.
(Rielly, Abby and Mimi in a whirl wind)
Up the hill we went and Mimi and I found something to roll in off in the woods. My person started right away with the "Get out of there! Come!" Well, I got me a good roll but I am disappointed that I don't smell very bad.
So, off we went before too long we saw Ridge and Winnie and Scooter. Lab city I tell ya. I got really mad at Ridge because guess what he did? He tried to take my person's glove. He almost got it too. If anyone is getting that good smelling glove it is me, Merlin.
(Scooter and Ridge ploting the glove theft)
It was so good to see Winnie. I reported before that her biopsy went well but now that I have seen her in the fur I feel relieved.
(Winnie showing how good she feels)
On the way out we saw Chloe and Chancey with no Fast Eddie. Ut OH! Sunday morning Eddie went off in the woods and came back bleeding. He cut his tendon somehow. BUMMER Eddie! Mimi can relate! Feel better soon you handsome Puggle. Pierre, Benji, Trixie and Oliver were walking together and we all said Howldy! We saw Big Scout and his person asked a weird question. I was running in circles trying to get the pricker stick out of my tail and Scout's person kept asking me "Merlin, who has rocks in his head?" I don't know. Could you ask someone else, I'm a little busy here!
Merlin the Pricker Stick Killer

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Merlin the Wishing for Sunny Days!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Back and Barking Better than Ever

Hello!!!!! I have missed the Dog Park so much!!! I missed my peeps and my sisters. I even missed the feline section of my family!!!! However, let me tell you about Camp Grinning Dog. It is the bestest dogie vacation spot in the world. I am so happy and tired that my bark sounds a little funny. It sounds sort of wimpy and I thought I would rest it for a few days but I did have to bark at someone in the park today. They had no dog, were walking too fast and did not give out one pet. SUSPECT!!!
Anyway, I can't say anymore about my vacation because what happens at camp, stays at camp.
Off Mimi and I went with my person first thing this morning. I was so happy to be home and back to the park. We met this really cool Russian Wolf Hound(who knew?) named Sid. I was startled by how handsome he was. Tall as tall could be and still a puppy at 11 months old. I hope he keeps coming around. I would like to get to know him better. I have never heard of a Russian Wolf Hound. See, even a well versed dog like me can learn a new thing every day. Keep those tennis ball sized brains wide open my friends, the potential is endless.
(Sid the Russian Wolf Hound)
Off to where the beach is and I saw a bunch of the usual dogsters that I love and missed. There was Pearl, Mel, Lola and Buddy! I ran and played with them in the field right in front of the beach. At this time of year we play in the field rather than the long soak in the river. That there water is COLD! Anyway, we hung for awhile and my person yapped with the canine cronies. To be fair she has not seen their funny flat faces in a few days either. So, off we went me and my sister. I am so glad she is back. It is nice not being alone all the time even though Mimi ignores me a lot. I know she loves me. Who wouldn't?
(Mimi the loner)
So, off we went up the hill and through the fields. The leaves are raining down fast and furious now and the beautiful colors are fading. I so enjoy each season at the park. It reminds me of how continually lucky we all are to have these paths.
Lucky me I see Delhi, Clementine, Luna and Libby up ahead. A quick hello to all of them is always one of the great things about mornings at the park. This is where the guy without the dog was. I protected my person all these other dogs and their peeps too. Fear not my fine furry friends. Merlin is back.
(Merlin being back)
We saw little Lucas the Black Lab pup on our way out of Dog Park Heaven. I wanted to yell at him just one more time to let him know who is in charge but my person would not let me. She is no fun sometimes. Anyway it is great to be back but I gotta go sleep! Camp and then the excitement of the park, I mean please!
Merlin the great protector!~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Merlin the Wizard of Northampton has left for a VACATION!!!!!

I will be back on Monday, October 27, 2008.

Please take car of the Dog Park. I will miss you guys but we all need time to go and spend time relaxing in the woods with other dogs. Oh wait, that is what I do every day. No matter! I will be back full of energy and looking forward to seeing all of my BDFF.

Merlin the Vacationer

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Girl

You know what that means right? My girl Pearl and I walked the whole loop together today! It was great. Mimi barked at us at the right times just like she used to! The universe is back in balance and I am one wet, tired, happy dog.
(Merlin, Pearl ,Lola)

We were not even out of the parking lot when I said "Bark, Who goes there?" Pearl came a running and off the 3 of us went. We ran in the wood, fields and on the path worrying the peeps, just a little. We jumped in and out of the river along the way. It is cold this morning and i think there will be few days where the peeps actually stand at the beach with us. At least not in the early morning when we go. I don't know much about afternoon walks.
(Merlin, Pearl)

(Merlin, Pearl, Mimi watching)
So, along came Lola and soon Tango the Aussie and Finny the Vizsla puppy and 'Lil Scout came through. We ran into Koda at the bottom of the hill. On the big hill we were a pack but soon we disbanded and the faster peeps moved on. That left me with my sister, Pearl and 'Lil Scout! Hooray! My BDFF's and me running in the top field. I almost forgot to mention the tug of wars my person and I got into today. You got it! I almost got her gloves! I was not as intent on them today because Pearl kept me so busy. I will get them. Paw Promise!
(Merlin, Pearl, Finny, Koda,'Lil Scout)
So, we ran into Ziggy who had a ball. The ball got kicked my way and my person spazzed out. She knows that The Ziggy and I have had "issues" over the ball before. We started heading in different directions and Pearl's person came and got the ball from me and gave it to Ziggy. OK I give up. Off we went again.
(Melin w/ ball, Ziggy wanting ball, Scout watching)
The rest of the walk mellowed out a bit and I enjoyed my friends and the clear crisp morning. We stopped to see Luna, Flannel and Clem and my other friends went on their way. Finally I am home, safe, warm and beat to the core.
My peeps are going away in a couple of days. I am going to Camp Grinning Dog!!! I can't wait. I love it there.

Merlin the Camper~

Monday, October 20, 2008


So, my person, Mimi and I took in our usual time frame this morning. It is great to be back in a routine with my sister. My person and I got mad at each other the second we got to the park however. When it gets cold out the peeps all put these things on their hands called gloves. I love these things. If Ziggy has a ball or Pearl has corn I must have those things. If they are not around I just don't care. When it comes to gloves the reverse is true. I want them all. I want them to be mine and I want them now.
So, my person was trying to handle 2 leashes, her walking stick and ...her gloves. I reached right up and snatched them from her hands and tried to run away. This was a little short sighted of me because I was connected by the neck to one of the leashes in her hand. She started doing the "Merlin, drop it. Merlin, Leave it" thing. I hate those commands. Anyway, she got them back but I am not done with this. I am going to be stalking her gloves and other peeps gloves. They smell so good and I just gotta get me some! OK. I am all right now.
So, Mimi is getting better all of the time. She is so happy to be back and don't tell her but I am happy she is back too.

(Merlin leading Mimi out of the woods)
We passed, Tango, Lola, Mel and Buddy. Tango did her famous "Tango Attack" and I ran for the hills! We saw a few other dogs here and there and than Clementine and Luna and Clem's neighbor Libby caught up to us. We walked with them for a few minutes until we ran into Delhi and the 4 of them went on ahead.

Luna and Merlin's butt)
Mostly we walked as a family with me checking out who had on gloves and how I could get them. The prospects are GOOD.
We saw Ridge on the way out and I reminded him that I had told him weeks ago to leave his mark around so that the park would remember him in the cold months. Kids, when will they ever learn.
(leaves on top of my scent. I know I've been here)

(Ridge, getting a lesson)
On the way out we saw Ziggy and her weekday walking person. She gave Mimi such a great snuggle I thought Mimi was going to lay down and go to sleep right there. Do you know what I saw? She had on gloves! They had no fingers but I still love them!
Mimi threw up in the car all the way home. I wonder why she tried to take so much of the park home with her like that?
Anyway, a great start to the week.
Merlin the Glove Lover

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I had so much fun at the park today I wished it never ended. I ran into the 2 Vizslas' Logan and Jeawela. I gave Logan the run and twirl while we ventured down Chipmunk Ally. Mimi was barking at me fot having fun without her. Right then and there I knew that it was going to be just like old times at the park today and I was right. Just past the beach I saw my girl Pearl walking with Lilo and Pippin. Well, Pearl and I stopped, looked, there was a moment of a stare and then RUN!!!! Pippin got right in the middle and we were off and running. Mimi joined in a little but mostly she watched us running in the fields. Now with the leaves all gone the peeps can see us all the way to the trees. I sort of miss being able to hide and play with out the watchful eye of the peeps. A dog needs their privacy.
(Merlin, Peal and Pippin)
So, after a bit we moved forward and I am happy to say Pearl turned around and came with us. Before long we saw Ziggy. There was a stop and the usual excitement of the new dog and than, Ziggy turned and came with us. All the while peeps and dogs greeted Mimi with a pet or a sniff to welcome her back to the park.
(Mimi watching the fun)(Pearl welcoming Mimi)
So, Ziggy turned and came with us! Holly Marrow Bones we have a pack!!!! We went up the hill and ran right into Oliver the Standard Poodle and Benji, Pierre and Trixie. There was a stop, running, playing, showing off our skills and abilities. Oliver and Pierre's crew headed in the other direction and off we went again.
(Oliver)(Oliver and Trixie)
There was a few moments of me trying to get my person to play with us and the peeps getting nervous but hey, I gotta try.
So, back into the woods again and we saw Chancey, Fast Eddie and Chloe! It is a little to narrow of a path to play but guess what? They turned and came with us. HOORAY. Some of us were on the path some off in the woods and the peeps just yapped away. Toward the end we saw Manny and another dog but I forget her name. I think it began with the M sound.
So, in case you are not paying attention... we now have, Merlin, Mimi, Pearl, Ziggy, Chancey, Chloe, Fast Eddy,Manny and the Pretty Dog. I was right in the middle of a bunch of my BDFF (Best Dog Friends Forever) and I was so happy.
(Our pack)
I am so exhausted a cat could sleep on my head and I wouldn't even know it. Not that that would ever happen

Merlin the Grateful for his Friends.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Love the Fall

If a dog does not blog you can be guaranteed there is a person behind it. I did go to the park yesterday and it was fabulous. I did not blog because my person sometimes confuses her needs as being more important than my needs. She is back on track today or else I would have to remind her by pooping on the floor or something. You must decise these things carefully as they can at times backfire.

So, yesterday I walked with my sister again and the magnificent Abby the Mastiff. She is another dog I am a bit jealous of because even without a gorgeous tail EVERYONE, dogs and peeps alike, remark that she is beautiful. She is too. We saw the fabulous Tad who is really the ruler of the dog park.

It was a really nice walk and my sister did the whole loop. she was limping at the end but she sniffed her little head of the entire walk. My person is letting her off the leash to drink from the river. Mimi does not play with other dogs anyway so she can be off more. She was tempted by some squirrels and that requires restraint.
It was a beautiful day and a great walk with my sister and Abby. Merlin and his girls.

Today we went early because there is a foot race at 11am. This always gives me a huge BOL (bark out loud). People trying to get somewhere fast on 2 legs. What a joke! Of course dogs run for the fun of it. I Merlin would like to state that peeps should do anything they can to stop that practice. My person says that peeps have some power in stopping Greyhound racing. Do whatever it takes peeps. That has to be stopped.

OK, so it is COLD this morning. Look at the grass it is frozen and my poor little pads have to get used to that. I walked with my person and my sister the whole way while passing some friends and stopping to play.
(Merlin with cold paws)

I was trying to get me a chipmunk and my person let Mimi come over to help. She has been gone for months and still she bumped me right out of the way and got that Chipmunk a scurrying. She is amazing that girl.

So, we met this nice dog named Sophie who is my age. She was a bit nervous but we got along fine.
(Sophie, Sophie and me)

We saw my buddy Pixie from Dixie too. that one always gets me running in circles and the entire experience is sort of a blurry fur ball.

(Merlin and Pixie)
Well, I gotta go because my peeps have a busy day and I must go sleep and dream of a day where all dogs run just for fun.
Merlin the Greyhound Friend.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey Mister, she's my sister

I know that Mimi went to the park alone yesterday but today she came with me. I am so happy that she is back. I did not realize how much I missed her but I did!
When we were first in the parking lot Manny got out of the car. His person brought Lucy and Buddy to walk today too. I got so worried about Mimi I went running up and yelled at everyone to back off of my sister. Not that anyone was bothering my sister but I had to say it anyway. Mimi sort of ignored the whole thing and went on her way. She is walking slow and while she is getting better she is still not completely bearing weight on that left back leg. She has 6 more weeks to try and strengthen it up. If she is still having issues than that Special Vet guy has to try and figure out why she is not walking right. Good luck the next 6 weeks Mimi! I love you!(Me and Mimi)
Anyway, we went really early to the park because it was going to rain. We did not go all the way around the big loop. We sort of zig, zagged through the top paths. As we got to the top of the hill by the bench, we saw Pearl! I ran and jumped and rolled and had me a such a great fun time. I love my girl Pearl. She is just the right mix of fun and fury.
We walked to the end of the road with Pearl and then headed to the parking lot together. Me and Mimi my big sister. Everybody send her good dog energy for her continued healing. I am so happy.
Merlin the Family Man

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hey it's Mimi

Hi everyone! This is a photo of me at the Special Vets office today. He is a really nice guy but I was hoping he would say I could be off leash. He did say I am doing great and I must increase my exercise. My person took me straight to the dog park. I have not been there since May! I have missed it so much! I sniffed everything in sight. There was so much to catch up on! My person let me off leash to go get a drink out of the brook. It was the most delicious drink in months!

I will be back with Merlin tomorrow or the next day.I have to stay on the leash but I am happy that the park is in the rehab plan for me now. I can't wait to see everyone.

Nothing But Good News

I for got to mention something really important yesterday. I found out from Pearl and Ziggy that Winnie is K. She had to have a little operation to take a thingy off of her side. It was not cancer and after a couple of days being sore she is back at the park. I have not seen her but the wag around the park is all good . Hooray for Winnie.
The next good news is that Eddie (Puggle) and Chloe (Cool Chow mix) have a new sibling. Meet Chancy and say hello! Seems like a cool Scotty. I guess Chancey's person could not keep him or her. I forgot to ask if Chancy is a girl or boy. (?) Anyway, the good news is Chancey lives in a great dog family with loving peeps. Hello Chancy! Welcome.
(Chancey)(Eddie looking spiffy)
So, down Chipmunk Ally I went with my person. I am feeling much more mellow today. It is so beautiful at the park. It is raining leaves everywhere. they are so beautiful that I just never want to leave.(Chipmunk Ally)
We went to the beach and my person sat down on the tree log. I laid down in the water. It was a peaceful joyous moment between me and my Person. I love that. Little paw prints on her heart again. She is so lucky I rescued her.There were all these birds flying above us and talking up a storm. I stopped and looked up trying to figure out how to fly. It would be cool to have wings. I think I would need a full engine.
So, off we went passing a dog here and there. After the top big fields we ran into Ziggy. There was no problems between us at all today. We just hung out. Pierre and Trixie showed up and we all had fun. Trixie is little but she is feisty and able to hang with the big dogs. Pierre and were without Benji today. They said he just felt like hanging out at home. Aww Shucks Benji, I missed you.
(Pierre and Trixie)
So, off we went and saw Big Scout on the way out. Know why we had to leave? M person is taking Mimi to the Special Vet this morning. She might be able to come back to the park! Keep your dew claws crossed.
Merlin the Mellow

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Yesterday my person had no car to take me to the dog park. I could have easily walked to the park, at the park and home from the park. My person, in part because of only having 2 legs, refuses to even try what would probably be around a 10 miles excursion. Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.
So, my Bonus Person joined us today and that is always a good thing. On the way into the park we saw Pearl, Tango, A chocolate Lab I do not know, Clementine, Flannel and Luna. Sorry all of those dogs were leaving because I could use me a Pearl date. A little hair of the dog that bit you sort of thing. Not that Pearl actually bit me but ....well, never mind I am just going on and on like my person does. blah, blah, blah. Sometimes, you can pick up bad people habits. Be very, very careful of that. Those habits are hard to break.
So, off we went with my Person, Bonus Person, Ziggy and her Person.
Can someone please tell me who stole all the corn? It was there 2 days ago. I miss one day and the entire crop has vanished. This park has mystical powers I swear!
(missing corn?)
So, all was well and than Ziggy found a ball. I did not mind that she kept it the whole time. We saw Cody and he is just so beauttiful that the Merlin who lerks just below the surface reared his ugly head. I took Ziggy's ball and would not give it back. Ziggy got a little too close to me and my Bonus Person and I snapped out a large loud, No WAY!!! Cody tried to play with me but I had an attitude now. My person took the ball and put an end to the whole thing.
(Ziggy with Ball)(Merlin with Ball, Ziggy watching.)
We walked out peacefully but I got an attitude again when I went on lead first, knowing my person was concealing the ball, Ziggy came to try and get into the mix and I was mad. Ziggy and her person left. My person gave me the ball and I dropped it and got in my car. The ball was not the point. The point is that sometimes I want the ball and don't want anyone to get near my Bonus Person. Is that too much for a dog to ask for? Well, maybe it is.
Merlin the Miserly