Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Girl

You know what that means right? My girl Pearl and I walked the whole loop together today! It was great. Mimi barked at us at the right times just like she used to! The universe is back in balance and I am one wet, tired, happy dog.
(Merlin, Pearl ,Lola)

We were not even out of the parking lot when I said "Bark, Who goes there?" Pearl came a running and off the 3 of us went. We ran in the wood, fields and on the path worrying the peeps, just a little. We jumped in and out of the river along the way. It is cold this morning and i think there will be few days where the peeps actually stand at the beach with us. At least not in the early morning when we go. I don't know much about afternoon walks.
(Merlin, Pearl)

(Merlin, Pearl, Mimi watching)
So, along came Lola and soon Tango the Aussie and Finny the Vizsla puppy and 'Lil Scout came through. We ran into Koda at the bottom of the hill. On the big hill we were a pack but soon we disbanded and the faster peeps moved on. That left me with my sister, Pearl and 'Lil Scout! Hooray! My BDFF's and me running in the top field. I almost forgot to mention the tug of wars my person and I got into today. You got it! I almost got her gloves! I was not as intent on them today because Pearl kept me so busy. I will get them. Paw Promise!
(Merlin, Pearl, Finny, Koda,'Lil Scout)
So, we ran into Ziggy who had a ball. The ball got kicked my way and my person spazzed out. She knows that The Ziggy and I have had "issues" over the ball before. We started heading in different directions and Pearl's person came and got the ball from me and gave it to Ziggy. OK I give up. Off we went again.
(Melin w/ ball, Ziggy wanting ball, Scout watching)
The rest of the walk mellowed out a bit and I enjoyed my friends and the clear crisp morning. We stopped to see Luna, Flannel and Clem and my other friends went on their way. Finally I am home, safe, warm and beat to the core.
My peeps are going away in a couple of days. I am going to Camp Grinning Dog!!! I can't wait. I love it there.

Merlin the Camper~

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