Thursday, October 30, 2008


It is that time of year again when some short haired dogs wear sweaters and coats. I sometimes am a little jealous of how colorful and beautiful these garments are. Then, I remember, I came with my own gorgeous coat! It might be nice to have a change every now and then. Something to ponder while I am admiring my reflection in the river. Whoops! that was a secret!
We saw Finny right after the beach. That little guy is so much fun. He has springs on his feet and a motor that makes him run. I am just sure of it. We walked with him for awhile and I got my puppy fix. He got a big stick so I had to run up and take it from him. Guess what he did? He chased me and tried to get it back. It was really fun.

(Finny being a fun puppy)
We walked alone for most of the walk today. Mimi is walking very well. She is even complaining when I play with others so the universe is back in balance. I am so glad she is with us again.
After the big field we saw a bunch of dogs playing and my BDFF, Pearl was right there. Need I say more? Running in the big field was under way and Pearl continually asked me to to the hip swingers dance. We saw Abby and Reilly on the last path before the parking lot. Reilly is staying with Abby for a while while his person is away. So, Reilly sort of goes to camp at Abby's house. That ROCKS!!!
(Me and Pearl)
Finally, we saw Bella, Mel and Buddy. Well, Mel was actually not with them at first and her person had that peeps attitude we call peepatude. Bella caught me up on what was the howl. Mel, caught a mouse. Mel's person got the mouse away from Mel and caught a peepatude. Mel, being insulted at the person's complete misunderstanding of how important this is refused to join them for awhile. Well, while Mel's person was saying "bad dog" I was saying "rock on my friend Mel!" "I got ya dawg!" Be proud about your hunting even if your person has limited knowledge of your superior hunting abilities.
(Bella and Mel/ Mel the Huntress)
Merlin the proud of Mel!

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