Saturday, October 4, 2008

rip OFF

My person took me and Mimi out around or neighborhood today. All the our peeps and Star's peeps and Tucker's peeps are going out to some corn maize where dogs are not allowed. I would like to know why that is. Just not fair. I could see all of my BDFF's and i running through a maze forever! Maybe they could have just a dog weekend or something. Anyway, I will stay home with my sisters and enjoy a little sibling connections.
Merlin the Homebody

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry to hear you couldn't go run in the maze - but that picture of you and your dog-sisters was so great my mom (the one who seems to be barking some lately - what's up with that?!) got all weird and sniffy.
I think that was a good thing.
Hope we see each other soon.

Your friend (who does not have a ball right now - too sleeeepy),
