Thursday, December 4, 2008

early today

We had another early start today. Tomorrow we are going to go later so I can see more of my buddies. We did not see that many dogs today because my person had to hurry so she could go to something at Our Girl's school. I am always glad to get to the park but I miss my BDFF's.
I am not one to complain but let me tell you something. My person did all of the things that my counselor did yesterday. I laid down by the car. I got put on lead and controlled in my "nervous energy" spots. I call her my counselor but she is a bit of a snitch. I mean I still love her but playing by the rules is hard work. Good Boy
So guess what happened? We get home and my person is making me "stay" in the way back of the car. She finally let me out and than made me get back in and "stay" again. BORING!
So, my oh so smart person goes and lets Mimi out of the car. Mimi takes off and runs down the street chasing some random cat. I being on lead had no opportunity to even compete with her for the catch. I got put in the house and my person had to go collect Mimi from wreaking havoc on the neighborhood cats!Guilty Mimi
Ha!!! Serves those peeps right for focusing on me. I am glad Mimi's true colors are showing.
Until tomorrow
St. Merlin of Northampton

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