Friday, December 5, 2008

OOPPS! I'm In Trouble Again

(Do you smell that?)
So, today we went to the park a little later. Somewhere around 8 barks. I had to do all the new things that all of my peeps worked out for me to behave the way they want me too. dog drool to that I say but if the peeps are happy I am happy.
So, on the first path, also known as Chipmunk Ally I was having a fine time. Mimi and I played together and sniffed for all the little critters that are going under ground for the winter. We ran into a beautiful girl named Sophie. Her person said Sophie and some other girl had just had a fight. I am a little sweet on Sophie and I gave her a sniff, nuzzle and we moved on. She is a lab mix of sorts. Aren't we all!!! So anyway I would not mind sharing a little dog treat with Sophie. I hope I see her again.
We ran into Koda the pointer puppy. We played but I got a little to rough so my person called me with the special word and on the lead I went. YUCKO! But, I got the message. We saw Mel (Lab mix), Lola (Black Lab), Tango (Aussie), Buddy (Bison Frese) and My Girl Pearl! They all had something going on and everyone was on lead. Pearl was free and we ran together for a minute. I love that girl and I hope we get to spend more time together soon!
(me and Peal)

So, on the hill we met 2 really cool dogs. One was a Chow mix named Frodo and a Beagle named Zion. Frodo was a little shy but we all 4 got along and their person talked in what I have learned is the peeps version of "hey, nice to meet you!" I have given up on them doing anything normal like, butt sniffing.
(Merlin meeting Frodo)

So, off we went into the big field and that is when it happened. My person let her guard down for one second and put her glove in her pouch pocket. While she was petting Mimi I snuck up and snatched her glove and ran off. HAH!! Hooray for Merlin! I shook that glove and threw it in the air, got it again, spit on it and shook my head fast and hard until I was sure I had killed that glove. Merlin the powerful hunter HOORAY! But it was not to be. Me person told me to stay. She got the lead around my neck. Stood me up, walked me in a circle and before I knew it... "sit, stay, drop, leave it" Hey I got a mini marshmallow! HOO... Drat! My person got the glove and I am on lead and I don't even know how it happen. Do you see what I am saying! They know all my tricks! Well, for one minute I had the glove. I am certain I will try again.

We met a really sweet dog named Lola on the way out. She is a Jack Russell mix and her person rescued her as a puppy!!! Hooray for rescue dogs and the Peeps they rescue! (Lola and her pretty sweater)
I went home and waited patiently with my sisters for our after walk treat! I am glad to be back doing what I do best. Being Merlin
Merlin the Glove Lover

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