Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Holy Tornado Bat Dog! Now I know how one of my heroes must have felt. You know when Toto saved his person. There was that unfortunate house and witch deal but Toto was loyal. The wind was whipping up like nobodies business today. I mean really blowing!
(Merlin getting blown sideways)
It was almost a chore to walk today. In the open spaces the wind was so strong that it made my fur stand all to one side. I felt a little silly. Not to mention when you lift your leg it is important to make sure you know where the wind is blowing if you know what I mean! I have made that mistake before and the rest of the day is all about humiliation and clean up.
Mimi and I did get to play together while in areas that had woods on both sides. This cut down on the wind and I could tease my sister! Soon, we were right back into the open air and I was trying to keep myself pawsitioned firmly on the ground. I would make an attractive balloon but I would rather it be filled with helium than with me.
(Merlin and Mimi trying to figure out where to go)
One of the things I noticed today was that a lot of my buddies have not been around. I have not seen my girl Pearl (Yellow Lab) in a long time. The peoplemobiles in the parking lot are few and far between. I think some dogs might be coming to the park later in the day when it is not so cold. I have heard that some peeps do not come to the park when it is cold and icy at all. This leaves the dogs unable to get to the place they love. This makes me sad. Really sad.
I must show more respect for my person. Granted, she is flawed but she has gotten a People trainer and she braves the weather without the benefit of fur in order to get us to the park. I think later on today I will go lay my head on her lap while she is reading. She seems to like that.
Merlin the Wind Blown

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