Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ending on High Note
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Scooter and her peeps are of course very sad. I will miss Winnie very much. She was one of my favorite black labs. She was the one that told all the younger labs to allow me that "honorary lab" day I had last summer down at the river.
Dog Speed Winnie! "till we will meet again my best dog friend forever. You will be missed.
Merlin the Sad
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Whats up with the peeeps?
The peeps send me to my doggie trainer for a few days. Boy it was doggone great. Puppies and woods and running and playing. I am not sure where my peeps went but they talked about a lot of buildings, one big park, a huge lady holding a torch and seeing something called "Wicked". Not sure what that is but my girl and bonus person have been singing songs every since!
The day after they come home my person goes to the building where there are a lot of people vets and she still has not come home. No walks. No dog park. What is a Merlin to do? My bonus person and the girl leave in the morning, come home at night. They have been feeding me and letting me pee and poop. Oh yeah, they have been great with the snuggles. I have been worried about my person. Everytime my bonus person and my girl come home I wait... and wait... still no person. It makes me a little sad. How can I show off my beautiful tail this spring if I don't get to the dog park!!!
My bonus person did bring me (and only me) to a thing called the "dyke" today. Boy, was Mimi MAD!!!! Also, shhhhh, hee hee hee, she forgot the nose masher and I didn't say a thing!!! My bonus person had a tennis ball and I got to run after it up and down the hills. I saw one beagle. He was on lead so we couldn't run. I forgot to ask his name!! I had NO bad manners. The perfect puppy!!!
Time for my morning nap. My bonus person told me not to expect to see my person for a few more days. Hurry home person... I know you are the dog park Mom but I MISS you too!!!
Merlin the bewildered
Friday, March 20, 2009
Long Time No Post
the few times we have been to the park I was a complete gentledog. You would not have even known I get grumpy and cranky!
I have been to Grinning Dog too. I am going again on Saturday until Sunday. sleep over with the Aussies' ! Woo hoo!
I will be writing this blog for one full year on the 31st of this month. I have been thinking it might be a good time for me to stop and move on with my behavioral training and snuggleness.
I might take the years blog and turn it into a diary for a year in the life of Merlin sort of thing. I am bouncing a bunch of ideas around in this dog brain
Merlin the Thinker
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mushy, Muddy, Slushy, Wet, Hooray
(Merlin in the woods)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Mimi is Fluffiest
My sister Mimi won first place in the youth entry for Fluffiest dog at the VINS~March Forth with your dog dog show. Guess what the name of the Dog was that one for the adult entry. MERLIN. He was a big fluffy collie! Oh yeah, we got this category sown up! Now, all three of us have won ribbons in this show! What FUN!
Friday, March 6, 2009
What A Morning
The River is running free and I am happy to see that. It is still too high, fast and cold to jump into but it is looking promising. The little creeks are unfrozen and flowing and I took full advantage of a little icy cold snow run off drinks. It was fabulous. I was not put on lead at all this morning (except by the parking lot, of course). I am still wearing the snout smasher but I think My Person definitely noticed how well behaved I was. Hooray!! This could be good for me.
free running creekMerlin right after creek drink
Plus I need to tell you I was facing some of my biggest anxiety producing challenges today. Mikko (Rhodesian Ridgeback) came bounding at me with a big lets play charge. Now, lately that has sent me into a Merlin zany frenzy but today I sort of enjoyed it. I played with him a little after the customary butt sniff. I don't even know that guy. No weird Merlin at all. Olive (Rat Terrier) is a small feisty girl. I do know her but have not seen her in awhile. Even her littleness and spunky attitude did not freak me out. Good going Merlin.
I got cheese treats galore and did not hear Merlin! No! at all. My person was clearly pleased with me. In fact she dropped her glove in the way back seat with me and I did not even eat it. Now, that should have earned me a place in the good boy hall of fame.
It was so warm today we did the big lop and by the time we were leaving the parking lot was full of people mobiles. There are good signs of Spring in the air and I am willing to welcome that doggone it!
Merlin the Hall of Famer
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Cold Again
Mimi is in the Volunteers in Northampton Schools annual "not your average dog show" competition on Saturday. She is going to be in the "Fluffiest" category. I hope she comes in the top 3. I won 3rd in most photogenic 3 years ago. Jessie won First and got her picture in the newspaper with Our Girl for Prettiest Eyes 2 years ago, plus she won second in "fastest Tail Wager 3 years ago. If you see what I am saying, Mimi is the only won without a ribbon! Good luck Sis!
I have to tell you that I had to chase my feline sister Janis this morning. She had the nerve to head butt one of my marrow bones. I had eaten all the marrow but it was still my bone. Silly cat, bones are for dogs.
Merlin the Homebody
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Not A Two Way Street
Monday, March 2, 2009
Loney Dogs Club
There have been some exciting things happening right here at Merlin's house. Our neighbors behind us are getting BIG, BIG trees cut down. The other day when I was napping they dropped a big section of the tree and our whole house shook. Both Mimi and I jumped up and started barking but at what? We looked around and ran to all the windows and there was nothing or no one to complain about. M Person kept telling me to relax but I was not buying it! Once I figured out that it was just the tree I sort of relaxed and dealt with it but I was ready willing and able to protect and serve.
We had a backyard full of saw dust but none of that matters now because we have more snow. I am having fun running in the snow and playing with Mimi and my person does throw my toys for me. I am really wanting to be back at the park on Wednesday, muzzle and all. Mimi gets her staples out Wednesday too so I think she can join us on Thursday!
Soon my family and walk time will be back to normal.
Merlin the Discombobulated
Friday, February 27, 2009
My Name is not Mud
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Why is it Still so Cold
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I Want to Play
Monday, February 23, 2009
Holy Break In Bat Dog
I am sorry for the people and pups who had to return from a glorious walk to find that cat burglars had infringed on your private property.
Perhaps I could get a job patrolling the parking lot to make sure this does not happen again. Be careful out there everyone. Lets keep our Dog Park a happy and safe place for all!
Merlin the Security Guard
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
It stinks to be Mimi
I, on the other paw, got to go to the park alone. We saw Harper and Abby as we were getting there they were leaving. We walked alone, me and My Person. It is very cold again and under paw it is icy and slippery. There is not a lot of running around to be done. My Person sort of has to work hard to stay upright so she does not give me all the alone time attention I deserve. No pictures being taken either because those furless paws of hers get too cold out of the gloves they wear.
It is way too complicated being a person. I can understand being a dog but being a person would be too much work. They do age well however. For instance, My Person is 336 yrs old in dog years. That is a pretty good thing. Our walk was brief because we had to get home and get Mimi off to surgery land. I told her to stop that fake limping thing or she would get caught in the web of attention seeking and shazam, she got caught. It is a fine balance in trying to get extra pets, snuggles and treats and getting taken to the Vet. I have made those mistakes myself. Last time I pushed too far I ended up with The Trainer coming to our house and having my Peeps learn all of my tricks. Now I get away with nothing!
Anyway, I will keep you all updated on Mimi and how the surgery goes. She gets to come home today so I will sleep next to her and keep a good eye on her.
Merlin the Good Big Brother
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Yucko weather
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Insurance Policy
So, we saw Harper (yellow lab) and Abby (black lab) shortly after we got to the park today. Harper went off into the woods before we even said "tail up good buddy!" He was having conflict avoidance with me. So, that worked out good. I said hello to Abby and that was fine. My tail gets in a knot when Abby and I see each other in the parking lot but in the park she is one of my BDFFs.
Harper avoiding me made me realize that if all dogs did that I would be a happy superior pup. One of the things my person has figured out is that I do not actually try to hurt dogs, just dominate them. It seems like after my initial charge of Merlin the great and powerful I chill and hang with my pups. So, the snout smasher helps others to feel comfortable that I won't hurt them during the initial charge. OK. What if all other dogs did the conflict avoidance technique. No problems at all. Oh wait, that would mean everybody else had to change their behavior instead of just me. So, what is wrong with that?
We saw the fabulous Harry, Ricky, (yellow labs x2) and their leader Tad (mini Yorkie). I tried to get Harry's ball but I could not pick it up in my mouth. Hair Balls! Their person snatched the ball up in the chucker and my person gave me the "focus" command. I got cheese and the ball game was over for Merlin.
Off we went and I had a fairly relaxing ride home. Our girl has a bad cold so she is laying on the sofa all snuggled up in a blankie! SNUGGLE time.
Merlin the Insured
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Brilliant Morning!`
When we got to the park today Abby (black lab) was arriving at the same time. I went a little nuts in the car but not too bad. After Abby and her person headed out a little I sat and stayed in the car until me person told me I could go. Bonus points for Merlin!!! Abby had to stay on lead because she is being a poopsickle eater!!!! My person is really glad that I do not do that. Anyway, Mimi, My Person and I had a long wonderful walk this morning. I had the stupid nose masher on but it was still a fun morning. I can not get that thing off my nose and believe me, I have tried!!!
My person has figured another out about me. After my initial freak out with other dogs I completely chill out and I can play. The problem is my initial freak out scares peeps and dogs alike. I gotta get past that initial freak out thingy in order to be relieved of the nose masher. I do not ever to get rid of the canned cheese however! That stays!!!
I know that people think they have the perfect dog. Guess what I figured out today? My Person still thinks I am the perfect dog. Even though I freak out and get pushy and others do not understand me. My family still loves me and thinks I am perfect. Lucky dog!
Under paw today seemed a little less slippery. There is a crusty coating over the ice and your paw pads can sort of grab on. Mimi had her waxy stuff on so she was all good too! The sun was bright and I did lots of running in the big fields and it was fun. A chipmunk ran right in front of me and Mimi on one of the paths. We chased the little rodent robber but they are hard to catch!
That little rascal did show me that Spring really is on the way! There is lots of snow around and it is cold but the Spring welcoming birds seem to be back and offering the warmer weather our park to come and stay at. Even with my beautiful coat I welcome Spring too.
Merlin the Perfectly, Imperfect.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Muzzle Can Be Your Friend?
(Mimi acting innocent)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Learning Curve
Monday, February 9, 2009
My Person's Fault!!!
I wanted to take this down time to thank Woodberry, Jewels and Ginger for their heart felt condolences over Toga's passing. Also, My Families Cousin Person, Jane and their BFF Person Nancy for being so kind to me and my family. We all miss Toga the cute little guy!
My person is already saying "No more critters!" OK My Person, let me count the toes on each paw to see how many times I have heard that before! I ran out so I think I will go count Mimi, Jessie, Junior, Zazu and Janis' toes. Whoops, ran out again and Janis even has extra toes on all 4 paws!!
Merlin the Still Counting!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Fridays are Fun
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
We have a very sad day here at our house. Our little rodent family member Togapei died sometime during the night. He was very young but I guess hamsters sometimes do not live very long. All of us, canines, felines and peeps are very, very sad. Sometimes Our Girl would bring Toga downstairs in his very cool rolling ball and I would get to say hello to him. I liked the little guy! He had spunk! Well, the Rainbow Bridge has another member of our clan. Our family takes up a lot of space on that bridge!
Yeah, we went to the park and I ran around with Mimi. It was really cold and I behaved OK most of the time. Anyway, I gotta go continue feeling sad.
We love you Toga, miss you little guy!
Merlin the Bereaved
Monday, February 2, 2009
Narrowing the Field
Saturday, January 31, 2009
We're #1 ish
As we got to the big hill we saw Cody (Choc Lab) and Duke (German Shepard) heading down the hill. Cody and I have a history. He always wants to do that swinging hips dance that I am not always that fond of. Especially, if I am not the one leading. So, he tried to dance and I used my really mad voice and knocked him off of me and my person said the command word and I got off and went to her. Cody's person was glad I stuck up for myself. I still got put on lead for a few minutes but it was worth it. Up in the top fields we saw another Chocolate Lab headed for us. My person but me lead, just in case.
Well, this new dog, Rosie did not try and do the dance and everything was fine! I am starting to figure out when and where to push my weight around and I got a lot of weight.We saw Kya(don't know breed but she is sure pretty. She looks like Junior but a dog). I had no problem with her but I did bark at her person a little. He ignored me completely.I get no respect. We saw Shana(black lab) and Molly on our way out. It was a beautiful morning at the park and I am really happy to be closer to being my old self today.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
(Merlin following Tango)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Another Gr8 Day in Dog Park Land
Friday, January 23, 2009
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Yes We Can
Monday, January 19, 2009
So Beautiful
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Let me tell you my person and I were in sync today. She could see I was really hyper and tense. That happens when I miss a day at the park. Anyway, I was in a sort of "time out" a lot. When my person sees me tense and someone is approaching us I go on lead. To tell you the truth, because she is using the canned cheese I do not mind any of this. I get a taste of cheese and she gets my on lead. OK I can live with that. It helps me know to sit and stay while other dogs go by. I feel like My Person has it under control. Lets keep that a little dog secret OK? I am still trying to teach My Person some stuff so I don't want her to think she has me figured out. Dew claw promise? OK thanks.
So, when I was feeling safe she let me off and Mimi and I played a lot together. I get to make my big dog noises at her because she knows I would never hurt her. We ran and chased things, real and imagined in the woods. A few times my person put me on lead and I sat and stayed just like she asked me too. It felt good.
When I got to the parking lot the challenges of all challenges happened. Abby the Black Lab was feeling her wild oats today. Hey Abby, I know the feeling!~ Anyway, she was hanging around the parking lot and you know that makes me so scary, anxious, nutso. So my person had me on lead and I sat and stayed, and when she said "Merlin, load up" I got into my people mobile traveling spot. I was relieved. So, my person got Mimi into the back seat. We were all set to go. Abby ran over to my car and jumped up to say "Ha, ha Merlin!" I got really mad and barked and showed that I was really mad. Abby's person is a good guy with really good treats and he shares! Anyway, he got Abby on lead, (ha, ha Abby!) and off they went. On the way home my person would not let me bark at other dogs walking by or anything. Hair Balls!
I was glad to get t0 the park but I am glad to be home where it is warm and my family is all home, dogs, cats and a hamster all hanging out in the warmth.
Merlin the Toasty Warm
Friday, January 16, 2009
Bird Flew
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I Have a New Job
Come on, follow me. OK follow Mimi too but she is not the one applying for the job
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Mysteries Revealed!!!
Well, he doesn't get any cheez, so there.
Merlin the Vindicated
Monday, January 12, 2009
Merlin showing everyone the way)
Merlin saying "Cheez Pleez"