Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ending on High Note

It has been so long since my last blog I nearly forgot how to type. My big toes had gotten out of the habit of daintily tapping the keys with my nails and not the entire pad of each toe.[Photo](Merlin back at the river)[Photo]So, today is going to be my final blog entry. I have been writing this blog for over a year. I have learned so much about so many things I could never complete an exhaustive list.My person was in the People Vet Clinic for almost 2 weeks. During that time we got went up to the dyke behind our house but that does not give you much to write about. My Bonus Person uses the "chucker" and tosses the ball. I run down the hill and get the ball, bring it back, drop it and the process begins again. It is sort of fun and I get some exercise but in terms of telling a story "boring". [Photo]In the past week or two My Person has been feeling much better and we are back at the park. I am so happy to be back my tail can not stop wagging. Mimi is running and having fun so that is back to normal too.The last couple of months have been crazy with the people drama. Now that things are sort of back to normal and the weather is good I thought this would be the perfect time to end my blog. On a really big high note.Over the last couple of weeks Mimi and I have gotten back into our favorite game. Canine Cops and Rodent Robbers. We are off and running up and down the hills chasing squirrels and chipmunks. It is so much fun. I still have to wear my nose nabber. Let me tell you something, I hate it but it does help. When I start to feel like I gotta put some dog in his place, I am reminded that I can't open my mouth very far "HAIR BALLS!" It is sort of like a person who hits to much being hand cuffed. I will admitt (maybe not to my person) that it keeps me out of a lot of trouble. [Photo](Mimi thinking about writing her own blog)I have seen lots of dogs on our walks lately and I have been a very "good boy". My person and I will figure this out someday. At the moment we are making very good progress. I heard my name mentioned with a word I have only heard used with Jessie and Mimi. Groomer. Apparently, my peeps, in all their peep wisdom, think I need to go see this groomer person. All I know is Jessie and Mimi go and come back with weird looking fur and smell of soap and other stuff. I would rather smell like a dog thank you very much.As I reflect on the last year, I think about how much I have learned and taught. I love the dog park. I have had some serious problems, being to anxious and all, but my peeps stuck with me. Of course they have had a few poop on the carpet sort of moments that I have let slide too!When something really exciting happens at the dog park I will send an e-mail to the peeps and pups who have told me they will miss me. I will miss writing the blog but I will be very happy to see you all on the trails!Merlin the Complete

Thursday, April 30, 2009


It has been so long since I have posted and I have nothing but bad news. I ran into my old pal Scooter today and she told me her sister Winnie passed to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday.
Scooter and her peeps are of course very sad. I will miss Winnie very much. She was one of my favorite black labs. She was the one that told all the younger labs to allow me that "honorary lab" day I had last summer down at the river.
Dog Speed Winnie! "till we will meet again my best dog friend forever. You will be missed.
Merlin the Sad

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Whats up with the peeeps?

So. I know it has been a while. My bonus person finally helped me today.

The peeps send me to my doggie trainer for a few days. Boy it was doggone great. Puppies and woods and running and playing. I am not sure where my peeps went but they talked about a lot of buildings, one big park, a huge lady holding a torch and seeing something called "Wicked". Not sure what that is but my girl and bonus person have been singing songs every since!

The day after they come home my person goes to the building where there are a lot of people vets and she still has not come home. No walks. No dog park. What is a Merlin to do? My bonus person and the girl leave in the morning, come home at night. They have been feeding me and letting me pee and poop. Oh yeah, they have been great with the snuggles. I have been worried about my person. Everytime my bonus person and my girl come home I wait... and wait... still no person. It makes me a little sad. How can I show off my beautiful tail this spring if I don't get to the dog park!!!

My bonus person did bring me (and only me) to a thing called the "dyke" today. Boy, was Mimi MAD!!!! Also, shhhhh, hee hee hee, she forgot the nose masher and I didn't say a thing!!! My bonus person had a tennis ball and I got to run after it up and down the hills. I saw one beagle. He was on lead so we couldn't run. I forgot to ask his name!! I had NO bad manners. The perfect puppy!!!

Time for my morning nap. My bonus person told me not to expect to see my person for a few more days. Hurry home person... I know you are the dog park Mom but I MISS you too!!!

Merlin the bewildered

Friday, March 20, 2009

Long Time No Post

Hello my dog park pals. sorry I have not posted in so long. My person was having trouble walking so I got stuck at home. We have been to the park a few times but not everyday. My person is moving better and that is good news for me and Mimi.
the few times we have been to the park I was a complete gentledog. You would not have even known I get grumpy and cranky!
I have been to Grinning Dog too. I am going again on Saturday until Sunday. sleep over with the Aussies' ! Woo hoo!
I will be writing this blog for one full year on the 31st of this month. I have been thinking it might be a good time for me to stop and move on with my behavioral training and snuggleness.
I might take the years blog and turn it into a diary for a year in the life of Merlin sort of thing. I am bouncing a bunch of ideas around in this dog brain
Merlin the Thinker

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mushy, Muddy, Slushy, Wet, Hooray

(Exploring the woods again)
(Mimi's award)

Feeling a little smug after her big win yesterday, Mimi and I joined together for her first big trip to the park after her final surgery and staple removal. She is all back to herself and ran like the wind. It was so good to be with her running. We chased a big fat squirrel together. It was so fun. That squirrel must have had a really good stash of food over the winter. They are usually really skinny when the Spring comes. Spring it is a coming. The first thing I heard when we got to the park was a really loud Wood Pecker. that little guy had his beak on a good piece of tree and was going crazy nuts oh, tap, tap , tap. that is a really good sign. We saw lots of birds today. I do not know their names but I do know they are blue and red and orange. Don't forget that I am not color blind like my canine buddies.

(Merlin in the woods)

Anyway, we saw Winston (black lab) on our way down Chipmunk Ally. We were going really slow because it was so icy! Mimi and I were OK of course but my person does not have the 4 leg thing going on. Plus they cover up their nails with shoes so how ya gonna get a good grab on the ice. It is always so confusing to me.
Winston was chasing a ball thrown with the "chucker". I went running too and so did Mimi. I could not get a hold of the ball because of the nose nabber but hey, I was a contender.
Off we went and down by where you first get to the water it was all mud. That was full of smells and wonderful growing stinky stuff. Right away though it got icy again. Mimi and I did some exploring in the woods. Ahh, just like old times. She is already sound asleep after her big return to the park.
We saw the 2 Aussie dogs that I really like. I ran with them for a few minutes. They said that yesterday was even more slippery than today. YIKES. As we got to the beach Mimi and I actually went down to the shore line and drank from the cool river. I can not wait to just jump right in.
My person made a strategic decision to turn us around instead of heading up the big hill. We went back and went up the big hill by the bench. That was almost without ice at all. Mimi and I ran together on the hill and played like crazy. Just dog gone fun. running, rolling, sliding, sniffing. It is great being a dog.
The final path that is My Person's favorite, was really slippery. We all managed to move forward and get through with out any falls. Off we went into the car and now I am home and ready for a nap. Things are getting back to normal here at my dog house. By the way, Jessie is still hanging in there and being adored. the other day she jumped right over the top of Mimi while she was sleeping. I think she forgets how old she is sometimes.
I smell like mud and I am happy.
Merlin the Satisfied

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mimi is Fluffiest

My sister Mimi won first place in the youth entry for Fluffiest dog at the VINS~March Forth with your dog dog show. Guess what the name of the Dog was that one for the adult entry. MERLIN. He was a big fluffy collie! Oh yeah, we got this category sown up! Now, all three of us have won ribbons in this show! What FUN!

Friday, March 6, 2009

What A Morning

Well, let me just start by saying this.... Spike, Harry, Ricky, Tad, Mikko, River, Olive, Mel, Kaya, Nikita, Clementine, Delhi. Those are all the dogs I saw and behaved well around this morning. I might just get back to being my old self yet. I did have to run one dog off because she was hyper and kept running into My Person's legs which is bad for everyone but it is my job to protect those legs. I mean without them, where do my paws get to go?

The River is running free and I am happy to see that. It is still too high, fast and cold to jump into but it is looking promising. The little creeks are unfrozen and flowing and I took full advantage of a little icy cold snow run off drinks. It was fabulous. I was not put on lead at all this morning (except by the parking lot, of course). I am still wearing the snout smasher but I think My Person definitely noticed how well behaved I was. Hooray!! This could be good for me.

free running creekMerlin right after creek drink

Plus I need to tell you I was facing some of my biggest anxiety producing challenges today. Mikko (Rhodesian Ridgeback) came bounding at me with a big lets play charge. Now, lately that has sent me into a Merlin zany frenzy but today I sort of enjoyed it. I played with him a little after the customary butt sniff. I don't even know that guy. No weird Merlin at all. Olive (Rat Terrier) is a small feisty girl. I do know her but have not seen her in awhile. Even her littleness and spunky attitude did not freak me out. Good going Merlin.

I got cheese treats galore and did not hear Merlin! No! at all. My person was clearly pleased with me. In fact she dropped her glove in the way back seat with me and I did not even eat it. Now, that should have earned me a place in the good boy hall of fame.

It was so warm today we did the big lop and by the time we were leaving the parking lot was full of people mobiles. There are good signs of Spring in the air and I am willing to welcome that doggone it!

Merlin the Hall of Famer

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cold Again

It is so cold this morning that I knew My Person was not going anywhere. Mimi and I playedin the backyard. Don't tell the Special Vet because Mimi is still on restrictions. She will be off tomorrow.
Mimi is in the Volunteers in Northampton Schools annual "not your average dog show" competition on Saturday. She is going to be in the "Fluffiest" category. I hope she comes in the top 3. I won 3rd in most photogenic 3 years ago. Jessie won First and got her picture in the newspaper with Our Girl for Prettiest Eyes 2 years ago, plus she won second in "fastest Tail Wager 3 years ago. If you see what I am saying, Mimi is the only won without a ribbon! Good luck Sis!
I have to tell you that I had to chase my feline sister Janis this morning. She had the nerve to head butt one of my marrow bones. I had eaten all the marrow but it was still my bone. Silly cat, bones are for dogs.
Merlin the Homebody

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not A Two Way Street

Finally I got to the park this morning. I was afraid that it was to be a really short walk because it was COLD. The park did not seem so bad this morning and My Person and I had a long walk together.
We were not in the park long at all before something happened that seems to happen a lot since My Person got trained by the Camp Counselor/Peep Trainer. I got mad at hr. So here is the story. We were walking up the little incline right as you get into the park from the parking lot. Coming toward us was Boomer (Black Lab) with his person. Both of us were on lead. Boomer is a bouncy boy which is one of the things we have determined makes me anxious. In fact the last time we saw Boomer I charged him and made the scary noises. The nest day I had the nose nabber muzzle thingy. So, My Person apologizes for my Merlin the anxious behavior. Boomer is looking at me snickering and giggling that I got in trouble. Than, I hear his person saying "Merlin, I'm sorry you got a muzzle." "No harm no foul" " No problem at all." Still My Person keeps pointing out that for several months I have had this "problem" etc. I was like HELLO! He said I am a good boy. Are you listening My Person? Stop apologizing and take off this muzzle! He said it is OK. She just kept talking to the guy about my short comings right in front of Boomer. Finally, I decided to do what she does and in dog speak I said "Focus My Person!" Nothing. I try again "Focus" She kept right on like she did not even hear me. Of course, I had no cheese whiz to offer her but she could give herself some if she behaved well. Sometimes I wonder why this stuff does not work in both directions.
(Hill by the Bench with ski tracks)
After that we saw a dog that I did not know and we ran together at the top of the hill by the bench. That was fun. Awhile later we saw Mel (hound mix) but she was off running in the woods but when she came out she did not jump at me and I did not lunge at her. I heard Mel's person call us the "Muzzle Twins." Well, isn't that cute!
(Merlin after trying to rub off the nose nabber)
I saw Harry, Ricky (yellow labs), Denali (mix) and Tad (mini Yorkie) and we all said hello. As we left the park we saw Clementine (Black lab, old girl) and I just laid down while my person yapped to Clem's person. Soon Luna (Labradoodle) came charging but I was on lead and I did not even pull. Hey, I had a chilled walk today! Good for me. Hey, Mimi's staple removal is moved to Friday. Bummer for you Mimi!
Merlin the Silenced

Monday, March 2, 2009

Loney Dogs Club

I have not been to the park in days and tomorrow is not looking too good either. This time it is not even my fault! My person has that wobbly leg thing going on and I can not drive! So, tomorrow she is going to go do something to make her legs work better and I might get to go for a walk.
There have been some exciting things happening right here at Merlin's house. Our neighbors behind us are getting BIG, BIG trees cut down. The other day when I was napping they dropped a big section of the tree and our whole house shook. Both Mimi and I jumped up and started barking but at what? We looked around and ran to all the windows and there was nothing or no one to complain about. M Person kept telling me to relax but I was not buying it! Once I figured out that it was just the tree I sort of relaxed and dealt with it but I was ready willing and able to protect and serve.
We had a backyard full of saw dust but none of that matters now because we have more snow. I am having fun running in the snow and playing with Mimi and my person does throw my toys for me. I am really wanting to be back at the park on Wednesday, muzzle and all. Mimi gets her staples out Wednesday too so I think she can join us on Thursday!
Soon my family and walk time will be back to normal.
Merlin the Discombobulated

Friday, February 27, 2009

My Name is not Mud

So, here I am getting ready to go to the park. The picture is a little blurry but you can see that I have a great seat for traveling.
Yesterday we went to the park and I saw Rosie the chocolate lab. I thought she was a puppy but she is 3 years old. I was off lead and we said hello to each other with the usual sniff and nudge. It was a great feeling to be friends with a dog and not go into my Merlin the dominant routine. I ran and played and loved every minute of it. We walked the big loop and that is a good sign. Do you want to know another good sign? There are parts of the trails that are muddy. Isn't that great? No snow or ice, just mud!(muddy trail)
That means that it is that time of year when we can start thinking about Spring. If all goes well, Mimi will be back in the park next week so she can stop sniffing me when I get home. Thant would be good for me.
Yesterday the big hill was icy but my person had little trouble with her spikes on and did just fine with the climb. Today however she committed to the hill and realized half way that it was much more slippery today than yesterday. Merlin to the rescue. I ran right over to her and between me and her walking stick she got up to the top with out and falling or serious injure. Hooray for Merlin who got cheese as a prize.
(View after you get up the big hill into the top fields)
Yesterday I almost got my snout smasher ripped off. I was so happy but my good 'ole hawk eye, Person saw what I was up to. She took off my muzzle and I was free. This was fine until from behind me came Mel (hound mix) and up ahead came Lola (black lab) and the both charged right toward me. This is my highest level of anxiety. My person got my muzzle back on just in time. I did make scary noises and chased both Mel and Lola. Lola laid down and gave up right away but Mel always stands her ground with me. I got the "focus" call and got put on lead. Mel and Lola and their peeps went one way and we went the other. Straight away I saw Kaya (I have been spelling it Kya but I was wrong. Pronounced KI~ya) Anyway, I was on lead and we very nicely said hello to each other which was good. She told me she was ferrell for about 6 months so she understands getting anxious and showing a little muscle now and then. Plus, Kaya's person talked about what a "good boy" I am. I like those 2 a lot.
So, both yesterday and today we saw a dog named Tarro (choc lab) She is young and very high energy which gives me that big time anxiety thing. Yesterday I was on lead and my person hung onto me really tight! Today, this person with her threw a tennis ball right in front of me and because I was on lead I could not even get into the game. No Fair!!! My Person even told them that in People Speak. Thanks My Person, I helped you on the hill and you pointed out hair ball behavior. We are 4 paws and 2 feet ahead of the game.
Merlin in the top fields)(Merlin muzzle free, temporarily)
While leaving today I saw Manny (black lab). We were near the parking lot so my person did not even let me say hello. I got into the car and my person talked to Clementine and Delhi's peeps in the parking lot. I waited sort of patiently even though I wanted to bark loud right in her ear!
It is a complete pawsability that I will sleep all day today!
Merlin the Freshly Walked and Pooped

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why is it Still so Cold

Good morning you wonderful pups and peeps. I have been a little cold even with my gorgeous coat on and dare I mention, my glorious tail. I feel like I have been telling you too much about my faults and not my assets. While I admit that I have been... well feisty. What does feisty mean really? Some see it as aggressive and touchy. I think I am just high-spirited, strong-willed, or confident beyond what I ought to be but I am still the same fabulous Merlin. People still say how handsome I am and the beauty of my tail has never been called into question. I think for my barkday I will ask for something that accents my tail in a way that will remind peeps and pups of its superior grandeur.
I need to mention Mimi to all of you. She is walking really well and when my person and I go to the park she gets really mad that she can not go. It will not be as long as last time. She should be back in a week or 2. I am much calmer when I go alone. It is a lot of pressure being charge of everything all the time.
I have had good walks lately but my person has had annoying people appointments so I have not been able to stay at the park long. She has promised that tomorrow we will go to the park and take out time and enjoy ourselves. I am going to have to bring out my puppy behaviors that made her crazy. You know like stealing things off of the bookcase and making her chase me around the sofa. I hope I do not have to resort to that but I might. Have a wooferful day.
Merlin is Just Checking In

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Want to Play

It was a beautiful day a the park today. The sun was out and it was easier to walk under foot.
Hooray for me and for all of you. I was a really good boy in the car today. I got off lead early and I ran away from my person. I ran over to a lab on lead. It might have been Boomer but I had my nose nabber on so it was OK. As we walked today we saw a woman with a dog we did not know so my person put me on lead. The dog was older and the person got nervous that I was going to be a jerk. My person talked to that person and we all just went our own way. I got off lead again and I saw Rosie (choc lab). She had her usual ball in her mouth. My person let me stay off lead. Even though Rosie is a young dog she does not make me get those scary I better be dominate sort of thing. My Person and Rosie's Person chatted about my snout snapper and my dominate pushy ways. She is a nice person and was really understanding ab out me behaving badly sometimes. Right after that we saw Nikita. I really wanted to play with her. She is a very fun loving little dog. I just love her. She is little and jumps in my face but I just want to play and play with her. She is the funnest little one. I can still play with my muzzle on but it is not as much fun. I hope next time I get to take my nose naber off and play with Nikita.
(Nikita the fun jumpy,little BDFF)
I saw Ridge (yellow lab) with a friend named Marley (yellow lab). I did OK but I ran after Ridgey because he kept jumping up on my person and being silly. With my muzzle on I did not seem nearly as scary. It still earned me a trip onto the lead. On the way out we saw another Chocolate Lab who was running all over the woods. There was a little Rat Terrier that was on lead too and looking for a way off. They seemed like fun dogs and I wanted to be the old Merlin so I could have fun.
When my person and I were leaving we saw Mel (hound mix) and Bella (Golden) getting out of their cars. They were on either side of my people mobile. My person put me in sit, stay. I stayed right there and did not pull or complain at all.
Mel has a muzzle too. She has it for the delectable poop treats. I knew as soon as I started wearing this thing it would be what every dog would want. I may have showed that I am not perfect but I am still a good example of some things to other dogs. I still got it.
Merlin the Trend Setter

Monday, February 23, 2009

Holy Break In Bat Dog

This is just an FYI session of Merlin's blog. We walked around the neighborhood today but the morning howl still reached my keen canine ears. Yesterday, I am not sure what time, a few people mobiles had their windows smashed in the parking lot of the Dog Park. See, I am always nervous around that area and now you know why!!! I am not sure of any further details but keep your really important dog toys hidden while your walking at the park.
I am sorry for the people and pups who had to return from a glorious walk to find that cat burglars had infringed on your private property.
Perhaps I could get a job patrolling the parking lot to make sure this does not happen again. Be careful out there everyone. Lets keep our Dog Park a happy and safe place for all!
Merlin the Security Guard

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Sorry I forgot to blog yesterday. I bet you all want to know how Mimi is. She is just fine. We will see in a couple of weeks if she is done limping. She came home the same day of the surgery. She does sit around and whine a little now and then. It works out for her because some person goes and lays down next to her and gives her full snuggles.
I get up and try to get me some of that but I get shooed away. Jessie goes over and she gets good snuggles too. Injury and age get you far in this clan. I get snout smooshers and misunderstanding most of the time. Mimi and Jessie get snuggles.
Today however I did get privileges at the park that I earned. I got off lead right near the parking lot. That never happens anymore. I have to stay on lead until we are far into the park usually now. There was nobody around and I think my person wanted to watch her step so I got off lead. OK maybe I did not earn that one. While we were walking my person called me and made me sit and stay. To my surprise she reached down and took off the snout smasher. YAAAAHOOOO! Now, that one I think I earned
(Merlin running without a muzzle)
I ran into the woods and played all by myself. That worked out OK because I am my favorite dog. It was warm out this morning so we took a long walk. I saw the 2 Aussie's whose names I do not know but they are great dogs. I ran up to them and said hello with no problem at all. Soon we saw Kya and my person gave me the the "focus" and a little cheese but left me off lead with no nose grabber. It was fabulous. I want to point out that the Aussies and Kya are both dogs that walk up and do not jump around. That works just fine with me. It was fun to talk to other dogs and not feel "different". Later we saw Benji(French Bull Dog) and Trixie (long haired Chihuahua) My Person put me on lead and that was smart because that cute little Trixie jumped up near my face and that is one of the things that makes me charge. I made what I consider a warning sound but it did not matter because my person had me on lead already so everyone was in the doggie safe zone. I stayed on lead after that and soon the snout grabber went back on as we approached the parking lot. Well, at least I had a glimpse of Merlin the mellow and unrestricted. I'll keep following My Person's directions and perhaps I will find my old relaxed self.
Merlin the Freedom Finder

Friday, February 20, 2009

It stinks to be Mimi

This morning Mimi got put into the bathroom while Jessie and I had our morning meal. She got no food at all. She kept giving My Person those big, brown, soulful looking eyes but she still got nothing! My Bonus Person gave her 1 dog treat but she got in trouble for doing that! Mimi got put back in the bathroom while I was escorted into my seat in the way back of the people mobile. She did not get to come to the park with me this morning either. Finally, when she got to go out with my person and she brought her to the Special Vet to have her knee operated on again. What a bummer of a morning. This is a much smaller surgery than the one she had over the summer but it still messes up a dogs morning!
I, on the other paw, got to go to the park alone. We saw Harper and Abby as we were getting there they were leaving. We walked alone, me and My Person. It is very cold again and under paw it is icy and slippery. There is not a lot of running around to be done. My Person sort of has to work hard to stay upright so she does not give me all the alone time attention I deserve. No pictures being taken either because those furless paws of hers get too cold out of the gloves they wear.
It is way too complicated being a person. I can understand being a dog but being a person would be too much work. They do age well however. For instance, My Person is 336 yrs old in dog years. That is a pretty good thing. Our walk was brief because we had to get home and get Mimi off to surgery land. I told her to stop that fake limping thing or she would get caught in the web of attention seeking and shazam, she got caught. It is a fine balance in trying to get extra pets, snuggles and treats and getting taken to the Vet. I have made those mistakes myself. Last time I pushed too far I ended up with The Trainer coming to our house and having my Peeps learn all of my tricks. Now I get away with nothing!
Anyway, I will keep you all updated on Mimi and how the surgery goes. She gets to come home today so I will sleep next to her and keep a good eye on her.
Merlin the Good Big Brother

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yucko weather

We did not go to the park this morning because the weather was rainy, snowy yucko weather.
Mimi can not eat or go to the park tomorrow morning because she is having that little knee thing. She faked it too long and now she has to pay her dues.
I do have one thing to say that is important.
Happy Birthday My Person. I woof you!
Merlin the weather dog.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Insurance Policy

So, my person is thinking that this snout trap is an insurance policy. At least that is whet I heard her telling some other peeps. I still do not like it but I still can not get it off and I understand that if I do not let her put it on I do not get to go to the park. OK, Lets make a deal time I guess. I do get to say hey to other dogs more so eventually, I could maybe get it off if I get to go back to Merlin the good boy. I gotta find the right dog path to that place for sure.
So, we saw Harper (yellow lab) and Abby (black lab) shortly after we got to the park today. Harper went off into the woods before we even said "tail up good buddy!" He was having conflict avoidance with me. So, that worked out good. I said hello to Abby and that was fine. My tail gets in a knot when Abby and I see each other in the parking lot but in the park she is one of my BDFFs.
Harper avoiding me made me realize that if all dogs did that I would be a happy superior pup. One of the things my person has figured out is that I do not actually try to hurt dogs, just dominate them. It seems like after my initial charge of Merlin the great and powerful I chill and hang with my pups. So, the snout smasher helps others to feel comfortable that I won't hurt them during the initial charge. OK. What if all other dogs did the conflict avoidance technique. No problems at all. Oh wait, that would mean everybody else had to change their behavior instead of just me. So, what is wrong with that?
We saw the fabulous Harry, Ricky, (yellow labs x2) and their leader Tad (mini Yorkie). I tried to get Harry's ball but I could not pick it up in my mouth. Hair Balls! Their person snatched the ball up in the chucker and my person gave me the "focus" command. I got cheese and the ball game was over for Merlin.
Off we went and I had a fairly relaxing ride home. Our girl has a bad cold so she is laying on the sofa all snuggled up in a blankie! SNUGGLE time.
Merlin the Insured

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Brilliant Morning!`

It is so sunny and beautiful out that I was shaking in my paws with excitement. It came true we went to the park. We had to bring my Bonus Person to the place that she goes to a lot. I do not really get what that is about but she always says something about her going there being related to us getting food and treats. Well, I miss you Bonus Person but see ya later!!!
When we got to the park today Abby (black lab) was arriving at the same time. I went a little nuts in the car but not too bad. After Abby and her person headed out a little I sat and stayed in the car until me person told me I could go. Bonus points for Merlin!!! Abby had to stay on lead because she is being a poopsickle eater!!!! My person is really glad that I do not do that. Anyway, Mimi, My Person and I had a long wonderful walk this morning. I had the stupid nose masher on but it was still a fun morning. I can not get that thing off my nose and believe me, I have tried!!!
My person has figured another out about me. After my initial freak out with other dogs I completely chill out and I can play. The problem is my initial freak out scares peeps and dogs alike. I gotta get past that initial freak out thingy in order to be relieved of the nose masher. I do not ever to get rid of the canned cheese however! That stays!!!
I know that people think they have the perfect dog. Guess what I figured out today? My Person still thinks I am the perfect dog. Even though I freak out and get pushy and others do not understand me. My family still loves me and thinks I am perfect. Lucky dog!
Under paw today seemed a little less slippery. There is a crusty coating over the ice and your paw pads can sort of grab on. Mimi had her waxy stuff on so she was all good too! The sun was bright and I did lots of running in the big fields and it was fun. A chipmunk ran right in front of me and Mimi on one of the paths. We chased the little rodent robber but they are hard to catch!
That little rascal did show me that Spring really is on the way! There is lots of snow around and it is cold but the Spring welcoming birds seem to be back and offering the warmer weather our park to come and stay at. Even with my beautiful coat I welcome Spring too.
Merlin the Perfectly, Imperfect.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Muzzle Can Be Your Friend?

Last night we found out that Our Families good BFF's dog passed away. Mimi and Jessie said they knew her and she was really cool. Her name is Dharma and I am sure our family is welcoming her to the Rainbow Bridge. I know she is safe because if you spell dog backward, what do you get? It all makes sense doesn't it.
Today was day 2 with this stinking snout grabber! I have to tell you something I learned today. I can run, eat and breath just fine. Plus, I got to stay off the leash around other dogs and I did not act like Merlin the great and powerful. Plus, Our Girl keeps telling me it is stylish and I think that is a super good thing in people speak.
(Merlin looking good)

I ran into a dog named Bear that I met once before. He looks like me but skinnier and he has no white on him. I did not get put on lead and he and I met each other, sniffed and my tail did not get in a knot about anything.
We stayed walking on the upper loops today but we walked around them 3 times so it was a good long walk. We saw Harry, Ricky (yellow labs) with the famous Tad (Minni Yorkie). They always have a bright new tennis ball and at heir people always have a "chucker"(plastic stick that people can use to toss a tennis ball further than their arms allow them to throw alone) Anyway, somebody dropped the ball and I got it. I was so happy to learn I could still pick up the ball with the stupid snout grabber on. My person came up to try and get the ball from me. Mimi started to growl. Do you see the piece of the puzzle that everyone might be over looking? Someone is pushing me on.

(Mimi acting innocent)
Anyway, I dropped the ball and got some cheese. My Person tossed the ball back to Tad's pack and we all went our separate ways. On the way home in the car I barked at other dogs and that still makes My Person crazy. I can tell she is trying to come up with a plan to stop me from doing it. I think it is the last frontier of Merlin's bad behavior. I am going to try and hang onto it. I'll look good doing it too.

Merlin the Stylish

Friday, February 13, 2009

Learning Curve

Well, I have not blogged because I have been grounded. Not that I did not go to the park because I did. I exerted my dominance over little Boomer(Choc Lab) and my person got way, wicked mad and she exerted her dominance over me. I got put right on lead and I may be there forever. I even heard her call the Vet yesterday and got tips from her too!!! I knew this could not be good news for me.
Speaking of bad news Mimi has to have surgery next Friday. It was on and off a hundred times in the last couple of months but now it is on for sure. Her Special Vet said if she is not 100% than they should go in again. Both me and Mimi are in a bunch of dog do.

(Mimi trying to not to step in dodo)
One of the new things my person has decided to do to is to use this thing that goes around my muzzle and it makes it so I can not snap my mouth. I can breath and drink and everything but I do not like it at all. When we first got to the park I kept bumping into my persons leg to try and rub the stupid thing off my face. This did not work well for anybody. My person already uses a stick to help her walk. So she was not happy because I was making her lose her balance which she does on her own all the time.
We saw that wonderful little dog who I always want to call Honey but that is not her name. She is a mixed breed and her person is really nice and I don't think I can remember her name right now. HMMMMMMM. I am having a senior dog moment and I am only 3. Jessie must not remember anything.I was on lead but we had a very friendly hello and I was fine!(Merlin with his new behavior aid)
So, I got to be off lead a lot but I had to keep this stupid thing on my face.
Soon, we saw Sally (Yellow Lab) and Daisy (mix). Daisy and I used to be really good buddies. My person told them about my recent bad behavior and they agreed to letting me off lead. She let me off and I charged both Sally and Daisy. After 1 second I was done with that and we all walked together in a pack and I was fine. We saw Ziggy at a distance and my person put me on lead "just in case"
We left the park in a pack and I liked being with my old friends. Maybe this thing on my nose helps me not be a jerk so much. OK I'll keep trying.
Merlin the Muzzled

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Person's Fault!!!

We missed a perfect opportunity to go to the dog park this morning. My person broke the silly grip things she puts on the booties all the peeps wear on their rear paws. Without them she will fall on her butt. She got new ones today so I am pretty sure tomorrow will be a go.
I wanted to take this down time to thank Woodberry, Jewels and Ginger for their heart felt condolences over Toga's passing. Also, My Families Cousin Person, Jane and their BFF Person Nancy for being so kind to me and my family. We all miss Toga the cute little guy!
My person is already saying "No more critters!" OK My Person, let me count the toes on each paw to see how many times I have heard that before! I ran out so I think I will go count Mimi, Jessie, Junior, Zazu and Janis' toes. Whoops, ran out again and Janis even has extra toes on all 4 paws!!
Merlin the Still Counting!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


It was so warm today that we could not wait to get to the park. The Doggie Gods were on my side because My Person was all excited and happy about getting there too. We were for sure the first family to be at the park today. That was good for me because I got off the lead and stayed off the entire time we walked around the big loop.
It was Mimi, My Person and me, all alone in the park with peace and a lot of really loud crows. Caw, Caw, caw that is all I heard as I tried to enjoy the serenity of being alone. Those big Crows would not be silent so I could reach my highest level of Merlin hippie~ness. Under paw was a little different today. It got warm yesterday so the snow melted a little. Over night it froze a little today so in some spots it was a little slippery, slide. The big hill is definitely showing signs of being a straight slide down. My Person still went up it so I was cool with that.
Mimi and I saw a squirrel down by the river. We both took off like a shot and I almost got the little runner but it scurried up a tree. Mimi started barking something about me getting in her way or she would have had the squirrel. I say that is a bunch of raw hide!!!!! I was way out in front of her and if I could climb a tree I should have had the rodent in my grasp.

We almost went all the way around without me seeing another dog today. Toward the end I saw Tad (mini-Yorkie), Harry (yellow lab), Denali (not sure of breed) and... I always forget the other guys name but they are all cool. I said hello to all of them and we all got along great. Their person dropped a tennis ball but she grabbed it in her "chucker" right before I got to steal it. Hair Balls! My Person called me away and I did get some squeeze cheese so It was still all good.

Off we went before the rain started so I can go home and hang out with my BCFF (best cat friend forever) Junior.

Merlin the Out about Loving a Cat

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fridays are Fun

So, it was another wonderful but very cold morning today. I saw Spike when I first got there. I was still on lead but he and I said hello without any problem. We went running down toward the river and it was just an all out sprint race between me and Mimi. I am glad she is running and having fun. I still think that she has to have that knee thing looked at but mostly she is doing good.
We saw something that made me worry about my dog friends. There were drops of blood all along the trails. That makes me think someone tore their pad. Mimi has more experience with this problem than me. Sometimes if the snow and ice gets stuck in your toes it causes little snow/ice balls that gets jammed up in your feet and toes and that can cause serious problems with cutting into dog foot pads. You can't really fault the pads because they do get a lot of work and not much credit. The thing is once they get ripped they are hard to heal and that sort of stinks.
My person uses some wax stuff that she smooshes all over Mimi's feet and the ice and snow does not stick. Sometimes I wonder if my person also uses the same stuff in her hair. She puts some stuff in it that seems like the same thing.
Anyway, I saw Harper (yellow lab) on top of the hill. We get along OK and everything was fine. Soon, I saw Rosie(choc lab) up ahead and I got put on lead. I was thinking we would be OK but my person was smart. As we approached Rosie she dropped her tennis ball and i grabbed it. My person knew that was a problem. She got the ball from me and Rosie's person kept her away which was also a good plan. So, my person got the ball from me and tossed it to Rosie. I tried to run to get the ball and a big whoops happened. My person was sort of off balance and I swung around and we were both on the ground. Hooray!!!! We are going to play. But it was not so. My person got up and off we went. We left the park without seeing another dog. It was a great morning and remember to take care of those paws.
Merlin the Health Advisor.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


(Junior and Toga)
We have a very sad day here at our house. Our little rodent family member Togapei died sometime during the night. He was very young but I guess hamsters sometimes do not live very long. All of us, canines, felines and peeps are very, very sad. Sometimes Our Girl would bring Toga downstairs in his very cool rolling ball and I would get to say hello to him. I liked the little guy! He had spunk! Well, the Rainbow Bridge has another member of our clan. Our family takes up a lot of space on that bridge!
Yeah, we went to the park and I ran around with Mimi. It was really cold and I behaved OK most of the time. Anyway, I gotta go continue feeling sad.
We love you Toga, miss you little guy!
Merlin the Bereaved

Monday, February 2, 2009

Narrowing the Field

My person started thinking today that she was narrowing the field for me when it comes to me being a grumpy butt. Straight away we saw Spike(Basset Hound) heading toward us. My person was thinking I would not be grumpy with Spike so she let me stay off lead. Mimi was barking for no reason and that always gets under my fur. We ran up to Spike and guess what? My person was right. I was not grumpy at all. We all gave a butt sniff and and off we went. Hey, is my person getting me?
(Merlin and Spike)
So, off we went on the glorious big loop walk. I was remembering that last winter we had to not do the big loop a lot because it was so icy and slippery. This winter we are doing the big lop almost every day. There is enough snow on top of the ice so my person and Mimi can handle it. I could handle any of it because I am Merlin the... well, just because I am Merlin.
After we passed the beach I ran back to the beach and barked at a person. She scared me. I did not bark at her Greyhound at all just at the person. It earned me some time on the lead. Hair balls! I passed the Spike test but not the people test. We saw pretty Rosie (Choc lab) but I was still on lead from the person barking incident so I did not even get to say hello. On the top of the hill we saw Mel (hound mix). She was already on lead because she does that eating what other dogs have left thing. If you know what I mean. Anyway, my person put me on lead and the peeps were talking. While they chatted I yelled at Mel for really no reason. My person let me know that was not OK.
We enjoyed the rest of the walk just my family and me. My person is pretty sure that when other bouncy dogs approach me I get nervous and behave badly. That is why she let me say hello to Spike. He is a mellow dude. Mel was not being bouncy though so what does that mean?
Plus, on the way out I was on lead and we saw Bella (Golden Ret). She was on lead and so was I. Once again my person stopped to chat with Bella's person. After a minute I charged Bella and she submitted right away. My person gave me a yank and a stern people lecture. Plus, she made me sit and stay while she gave Bella big time snuggles and pets and kisses and everything. OK I get that my behavior does not always get me what I want. Sometimes I forget that but my person keeps reminding me.
Merlin the Techable

Saturday, January 31, 2009

We're #1 ish

Just as I thought we were off bright and early on a long walk at my favorite place in all of the doggie kingdom. Our people mobile was the first one in the parking lot. I was completely well behaved getting out of the car. Oh yeah, there was no other dogs around so that is not much of a challenge is it? So what, I was still perfect. Walking down the winter version of Chipmunk Ally I saw the remnants of what was once a bird. I think that bird had a very bad day. Anyway, it seemed like there where fresh dog and people prints in the snow. You don't have to be a Hound dog to do a little tracking. Maybe not everyone comes in a peep-mobile. There were no new prints down by the river so we were at least the first ones down there.

As we got to the big hill we saw Cody (Choc Lab) and Duke (German Shepard) heading down the hill. Cody and I have a history. He always wants to do that swinging hips dance that I am not always that fond of. Especially, if I am not the one leading. So, he tried to dance and I used my really mad voice and knocked him off of me and my person said the command word and I got off and went to her. Cody's person was glad I stuck up for myself. I still got put on lead for a few minutes but it was worth it. Up in the top fields we saw another Chocolate Lab headed for us. My person but me lead, just in case.

Well, this new dog, Rosie did not try and do the dance and everything was fine! I am starting to figure out when and where to push my weight around and I got a lot of weight.We saw Kya(don't know breed but she is sure pretty. She looks like Junior but a dog). I had no problem with her but I did bark at her person a little. He ignored me completely.I get no respect. We saw Shana(black lab) and Molly on our way out. It was a beautiful morning at the park and I am really happy to be closer to being my old self today.

Merlin the Getting There Slowly but Surely

Friday, January 30, 2009


So, nobody felt very good when they woke up this morning. My Person and Our Girl really seem to be having a hard time doing anything but sleeping. I can feel them on that one. My older sister Jessie seems to not be herself lately at all. She needs help getting up on the sofa but My Person jumps right in and picks her up and puts her where she wants to go. She has been sort of panting and coughing a lot too. Jessie, not my person. Everyone loves Jessie so much. She was not crazy about me when I first came around. I was so bouncy and she was already at the place of reflection and wanting peace. We made it through though and she is my old sister and I respect her. So, we are just staying home today and chillin' I know tomorrow will get me back to the park and I can hang with my Mimi and Junior today.
Merlin the Relaxed

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I Merlin did not bark in the car. I did not bark when we went far.I did not bark at Tango and I do not play the banjo. I did not bark at Bella (Cain Terrier) and I did not see Stella. I did not bark at Mel, (Hound mix) who I think is swell. I did not bark at Brody or Max and those are the facts. (Scottish Terriers). I did not bark at Zelda (Vizsla) who is glad she is not named Helga. I did not bark at all which means I can stand tall!
(Max and Brody with Mimi looking on)

Well, there you have it. I was off lead and I was a perfect gentleman. I ran and played and did not feel the need to be the boss or in charge. My person is figuring me out and I like it.
(looking up the hill by the bench)
It was really hard to walk at the park today. After all that snow and ice yesterday it was weird under paw. I would go to step out on the snow and I would sink in with one paw and stand tall with 3. I looked a little silly but I could not help it. Mimi sort of showed off a little because she is lighter that me and she stayed on top easier. I was glad because I do not want her to hurt that back leg again! Shhh. Do not tell her how much I care about her. I have to hold onto my cool exterior of Merlinness.

(Mimi on top of the snow)

I am a happy boy today because I felt like my old self and acted like my old self. Isn't that great. Now I can not promise I will be like that all the time but I am sure going to try!

(pretty morning)
Merlin the Poet

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today was a super good, no bad fabulous day for me. When we were going down Chipmunk Alley
I saw my old friend Tango(Australian Shepherd) coming up behind us. When we first stopped to say hello I got my tail tied in a knot a little but Tango will never back down to anyone ever. My Person got me on lead and Tango's Person gave her direction. I was mad at myself because I like Tango and I was sure that I was going to be stuck on lead the rest of the walk.
My person gave me a second chance. She must have felt my vibe asking for forgiveness. Well, Tango and I played together the rest of the time. We grabbed sticks from each other and ran really fast chasing each other. She is so bouncy and fun!
(Merlin and Tango running with a stick)
Mimi played a little bit with us at the beginning but she got to feeling her inner Chow again. She wants to have all of me or none of me!
We saw other dogs on and off through out the walk and but I did not care because I was hanging out with my old friend Tango.
(Merlin following Tango)
This was a great moment for me. I proved that I can still be a great BDFF (best dog friend forever) I knew I had it in me! Plus, Tango is the one of the first dogs I ever met at The Park and so she left paw prints on my heart.
I got a little snippy with Mel (Hound mix) and Bella (Golden Retriever) on the way out. Bella's person took my head in her hand and said she knows I am a good dog so stop behaving bad. Wow, the peeps are all figuring my out.
Merlin the Better Understood

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Gr8 Day in Dog Park Land

I was so happy to see everyone getting ready for another glorious day at the Dog Park that I almost peed. Well, of course I did not do that. I am an all grown up big boy. Plus, I have to save a lot to leave pee mail at the park. I am feeling a little mellow today. My person was very happy about that. We got to the park way early and it again was not to cold. My person took us on a really long walk all over the park. We did not do the usual boring big loop but we did so many up and down, around and around that I bet we walked twice as far. Now that's what I am talkin' about!

I was off lead almost the entire time we were there. I ran and played by myself mostly. Mimi seemed to be feeling her inner Chow today and ignored me like I was not worthy of her time. Oh well, I was feeling sort of relaxed, mellow, one with nature and the master of my own destiny. OOOOOMMMMMMM. That was me chanting to the Universal Dog God.

So, I had 2 challenges today. We saw 2 dogs on lead with their person. Mimi went up and said "what up?" but I got put on lead. The peeps had a talk about good dog, bad dog stuff. Instead of my usual grumpy butt self I sort of just whimpered at a distance. After we left my person seemed really happy with me. Hhhmmmm. I will think about what made her happy and try to do it again. Later we saw another dog in the distance. Right onto lead I went and the peeps talked again. As it turns out the dogs name is Maddy and she seemed really cool. If I get my act together I would love to play with her. I was on lead and she came straight on up to me and gave me her "I am the Alpha hear me bark" stance. This made me uneasy and I made a couple of bad noises but when I am on lead I chill a little bit more. The peeps talked and I stayed on lead and really close to the other dog. I showed my mellow potential and was all like chillin' with my dawgs. It was good.

I stayed on lead as we left the park but I was all about feelin' groovy with my person and I getting the mind connection thing together. As we got to the parking lot I got into my seat in the way back even though there was a loose dog in the parking lot and I frequently get that out of control feeling. I made my person really happy again and we are feeling the vibes of peace and harmony.

Cool Dude! Chill and be one with your Peep

Merlin the Hippie

Friday, January 23, 2009

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I am sorry that I have not written in a long time. I have actually been to the park many times but have not written. Mostly it is because I did not have much to say. It has been very cold and my person would not take photos and the walk was more about exercise than fun. Not that that is a bad thing because you still get to go. You gotta sort of hurry up to stay warm and you gotta do the short loops so My Person can get to the people mobile quickly if she is freezing.
I do have one very bad thing to report about the dog park. Now, I try really hard to stay out of controversy but I have to talk about this. My person saw cute little Haily's person out and about the other night. I am not sure what breed of dog Haily is but she is tiny and has longish fur. Maybe a Maltese mix of some kind. Anyway, Haily's person always gives me a treat. Not just little kibble treats either. She has full sized treats that my person only gives me when I get home from my walk. Mimi, Jessie and I all get 1 only but Haily's person gives them out at the park.
I should warn you that this is a bad story. Haily's person told my person that when they were at the park the other day Haily barked at a man. The man did not have a dog with him. Haily barked a lot at the guy. That Stranger Person, with no dog, kicked that little tiny dog. My Person was so upset when she got home and shared this story. Haily's person said that Haily is OK but they are both really mad. Haily's person called the Stranger Person a "coward" and he said bad things to her. I am so glad that Haily is OK.
Now, I know there is a leash law where we live. The Dog Park is the only place where dogs walk off leash! Peeps without dogs can walk at like a zillion other places!!!! I would like for all peeps and dogs to get along together without any problems. I really do but sometimes there are problems! I mean look at me with all of my behavior problems lately. My person has new rules by the way but I will get to that. Anyway, I don't think that man should have kicked that little girl. Would he have tried to kick me. NO WAY! Go walk somewhere else big kicking meany!!!!
(The Dog Beach in Winter)
OK, now back to me. I have still been trying to teach my person what I need for her to know. So that I do not start any trouble with others she has new rules. I have to be a lead in all areas of the park where she can not see very far ahead of us. When we get to the fields she can see far and I get to run. I go back on lead to greet other dogs and when My Person can't see far. Well, it is a bit of a pain for me but I do get some cheese when she makes me sit and stay.
It was so nice at the park today. It was not very cold and my person let us do the whole big loop. Mimi and I played a little Ring Around the Smelly Thing and ran around trying to dig up sticks. All in all it was really fun. I tried to be the boss of a 9 month old puppy but my person had me on lead. The pup's person seemed really nice. I wish My Person would figure me out

Merlin the Complex

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes We Can

So, I am not sure what is happening but I do know 2 things. 1) I am not going to the Dog Park today. 2) My peeps, and I mean all 3 of them, are really, really happy today.
They are using peep speak that I have only heard a few times or never before. Something about inaugurations and a new President.
Well, if my peeps are happy I am happy. I just wonder what this means for us 4 footed folks? Maybe it means more bones, walks, sticks and dead stuff to roll in. HHHMMMM. OK, I can dig this!
It is just too hard to learn all of the people speak. I think I will stick with what I already know. This includes but is not limited to Merlin, sit, stay, focus, come, leave it etc.
I do recognize one word that they keep using this morning. Hopeful!
I am Merlin the Hopeful

Monday, January 19, 2009

So Beautiful

When we got to the parking lot of the dog park today there were 2 other people mobiles in the parking lot. As we began walking I realized something. We were making the first dog tracks in the new blanket of snow. There were some tracks from those things that some people put on their feet and slide with. You know what I mean, they carry 2 poles and put those long things on their feet. My Person carries one of those poles all of the time. Again calling into question why they don't just walk on all 4s.(First ones on this path at The Park!)
OK, back to me, Merlin. So Mimi and I being first dog trackers in the snow this morning is sort of a big deal. It is really hard to get a dogopoly or be first of last at anything at the park. The competition in numbers alone makes it ruff!
So, Mimi and I ran our paws off this morning. It is so beautiful at the park this time of year. The sun was out, new snow everywhere and some birds still hanging around singing us into the woods. There was a woodpecker telling some tree a story that echoed through the entire park. Those woodpeckers are loud anyway but in the winter I think I can hear them when I am home.
Anyway, Mimi and I ran in the beautiful snow and had such fun together. Let me say straight away that Mimi can not catch me anymore. I know her knee is better and I know that I can run wicked fast and I am the winner!
(Merlin ahead of Mimi)(Mimi way behind)
Toward the end of the walk we saw Abby(Black Lab) and Harper (Yellow Lab). I played with Abby for awhile. I like her because she is as tall as me and when we are trying to say hello sometimes we bump heads. Ouch! It is worth it for a BOL.
(Mimi is so cute)
Harper took off and his person kept right on going. I guess he does this a lot so his person is comfortable with it. My Person would throw a fell blown human fit and I would not get any cheese treat for sure. I think I will just stick by her. We passed Henry and Ricky (Tad's posse) and off the the parking lot we went. Guess who was there? Harper. He was waiting right by their people mobile. Way Dog Cool! I could do that! I know I could find my way alone. I also know I would not get any treats. The risk just does not outweigh the reward!~
Merlin the Cheese Addict!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


So, we went to the park this morning. When we started out it was -8 degrees. As we were leaving the park it had warmed up to a balmy -2 degrees. Ah, the warmth. My person has no fur on her hands so she refused to take out her picture taker. It would have involved removing a glove! I could of helped her with the glove! She would not hear of it. Too bad too because Mimi immediately turned sort of grey as soon as we started walking. The ends of her fur were actually frozen. It was sort of cool and weird. That is really the whole story of my sister, cool and weird. Speaking of my sister, she is not really limping any more. She must have heard the peeps talking Vet and knife! I knew she was faking! She is so sly my sister!
Let me tell you my person and I were in sync today. She could see I was really hyper and tense. That happens when I miss a day at the park. Anyway, I was in a sort of "time out" a lot. When my person sees me tense and someone is approaching us I go on lead. To tell you the truth, because she is using the canned cheese I do not mind any of this. I get a taste of cheese and she gets my on lead. OK I can live with that. It helps me know to sit and stay while other dogs go by. I feel like My Person has it under control. Lets keep that a little dog secret OK? I am still trying to teach My Person some stuff so I don't want her to think she has me figured out. Dew claw promise? OK thanks.
So, when I was feeling safe she let me off and Mimi and I played a lot together. I get to make my big dog noises at her because she knows I would never hurt her. We ran and chased things, real and imagined in the woods. A few times my person put me on lead and I sat and stayed just like she asked me too. It felt good.
When I got to the parking lot the challenges of all challenges happened. Abby the Black Lab was feeling her wild oats today. Hey Abby, I know the feeling!~ Anyway, she was hanging around the parking lot and you know that makes me so scary, anxious, nutso. So my person had me on lead and I sat and stayed, and when she said "Merlin, load up" I got into my people mobile traveling spot. I was relieved. So, my person got Mimi into the back seat. We were all set to go. Abby ran over to my car and jumped up to say "Ha, ha Merlin!" I got really mad and barked and showed that I was really mad. Abby's person is a good guy with really good treats and he shares! Anyway, he got Abby on lead, (ha, ha Abby!) and off they went. On the way home my person would not let me bark at other dogs walking by or anything. Hair Balls!
I was glad to get t0 the park but I am glad to be home where it is warm and my family is all home, dogs, cats and a hamster all hanging out in the warmth.
Merlin the Toasty Warm

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bird Flew

Yesterday I was in my back yard and a little birdy flew right at me. Well, I caught it and thanked doggies past for my fabulous treat. As, it turns out this is one of the areas where peeps and dogs do not get each other. Just as I was about to savor the last delectable bite. My Person came running out like a crazy woman. She ran right toward me as the final feathers were reaching my teeth. My person stopped in front of me, gave a heavy sigh and shook her head. I licked my lips and she scrunched up her nose and made a throw up sound. I do not know why she could not share my delight in a treat from the sky. I mean, the peeps never share their chicken or turkey with me. Why should I share my bird with her?
Anyway, I am going to say something weird. We did not go to the park and I am glad. Even with my gorgeous coat I am freezing outside. I go out, take care of business and come right back in.
That is after I check for any gifts from the dog Gods.
Merlin the Bird Lover

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Have a New Job

I have been very jealous of Chevy the Elementary School Dog and now Ginger the People Vet Dog. But guess what? I think I have found a job I can do at the place I love. I want to be a Tour Guide. It came to me as I stood by the arrow the other day so today I tried it out a little.

Come on, follow me. OK follow Mimi too but she is not the one applying for the job

Safety first! You may look at the beautiful, half frozen river but do not get in. I know it is tempting but if you try to jump out there you will soon find that the dangers are greater than the rewards. Oh hey, that sounded dog gone smart.
OK, we are walking this way and we will soon be headed toward the "big hill" Before I get that far I have to admit something. I have no idea what this sign means. I went and stood by it because I thought it was the right thing to do while applying for the job but truth be told, I am not sure.
Last but not least, follow me down the path to the parking lot. It is not much further at all. Please drive home safely in your people mobiles and join us real soon at "The Dog Park."
So, how did I do? I think I would be really good at this! I like to be the leader.
I had a very good walk today but I did get in a little trouble. I got too excited when we saw Bella, who I actually LOVE!!!!! I yelled at Clementine, who is an old girl and that was that. I got put on lead and I was headed straight to the car without another opportunity to continue my tour job.
We saw Winnie and Scooter on the way out too but my person would not even let their person give me a treat. Hair ball!
Oh well, I can still do this job I know I can!
Merlin the Tour Guide

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mysteries Revealed!!!

I have finally figured out why I am behaving badly sometimes!!!!! While I am sleeping Junior , my feline brother, is whispering bad thoughts into my head. He really wants to be a dog. They have not yet figured out how to make us trans-species, so, he is living vicariously through me! So, it is not my fault it is Junior the cat who is being angry at other dogs through me.
Well, he doesn't get any cheez, so there.
Merlin the Vindicated

Monday, January 12, 2009


I have had to endure short walks and playing in the back yard for a couple of days. There was snow and my peeps got my Bonus Person out of the People Vet Clinic and they spent the entire day out somewhere that I could not go. I am not too sure I think that is fair but I was having a bad fur day anyway.
So, My Person is still trying to get me to not pick on other dogs. I have been having a few OCM (Out of Control Moments). In an effort to make me really want to learn more my person decided to give me some incentive she came up with a new treat. Cheese in a can! Why didn't I think of that. Anyway, when I hear the word "focus" now I run like the wind. I will do absolutely anything for that stuff.

Merlin showing everyone the way)
We drove Our Girl to her school today. I had not been to the new school yet. There were so many children everywhere. I am much better playing with children than with other dogs lately. Anyway, they do not have a dog there like her old school. They do have a mascot "The Huskies". I could easily do that job. How come it is not "The Merlins" Oh wait... then people might think of a fish.
So, we saw Maggie(Weimaraner ), Tango (Australian Shepherd), Buddy (Bichon Frise) and Mel (Hound mix). We had a quick howdy. Maggie had on a coat that had a design that made her look like a cow. Tee, hee. We ran into this really big white dog that I think was named Buddy. I said hey to him and we moved on. We quickly saw a couple of dogs that had on nice coats. I do not know who they are but I said hello until My Person said "Merlin" and off I ran for some CHEESE!
(Big Bud)

They took My Bonus Person to the People Vet today. Guess what? They have a dog there. Right there at a People Vet. I wonder if that dog gets to polka peeps like Vets polka dogs. I want to meet her! She smells pretty good on my peeps clothes.
(Ginger the People Vet Dog)

Merlin saying "Cheez Pleez"