Sunday, February 15, 2009

Brilliant Morning!`

It is so sunny and beautiful out that I was shaking in my paws with excitement. It came true we went to the park. We had to bring my Bonus Person to the place that she goes to a lot. I do not really get what that is about but she always says something about her going there being related to us getting food and treats. Well, I miss you Bonus Person but see ya later!!!
When we got to the park today Abby (black lab) was arriving at the same time. I went a little nuts in the car but not too bad. After Abby and her person headed out a little I sat and stayed in the car until me person told me I could go. Bonus points for Merlin!!! Abby had to stay on lead because she is being a poopsickle eater!!!! My person is really glad that I do not do that. Anyway, Mimi, My Person and I had a long wonderful walk this morning. I had the stupid nose masher on but it was still a fun morning. I can not get that thing off my nose and believe me, I have tried!!!
My person has figured another out about me. After my initial freak out with other dogs I completely chill out and I can play. The problem is my initial freak out scares peeps and dogs alike. I gotta get past that initial freak out thingy in order to be relieved of the nose masher. I do not ever to get rid of the canned cheese however! That stays!!!
I know that people think they have the perfect dog. Guess what I figured out today? My Person still thinks I am the perfect dog. Even though I freak out and get pushy and others do not understand me. My family still loves me and thinks I am perfect. Lucky dog!
Under paw today seemed a little less slippery. There is a crusty coating over the ice and your paw pads can sort of grab on. Mimi had her waxy stuff on so she was all good too! The sun was bright and I did lots of running in the big fields and it was fun. A chipmunk ran right in front of me and Mimi on one of the paths. We chased the little rodent robber but they are hard to catch!
That little rascal did show me that Spring really is on the way! There is lots of snow around and it is cold but the Spring welcoming birds seem to be back and offering the warmer weather our park to come and stay at. Even with my beautiful coat I welcome Spring too.
Merlin the Perfectly, Imperfect.

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