Sunday, February 8, 2009


It was so warm today that we could not wait to get to the park. The Doggie Gods were on my side because My Person was all excited and happy about getting there too. We were for sure the first family to be at the park today. That was good for me because I got off the lead and stayed off the entire time we walked around the big loop.
It was Mimi, My Person and me, all alone in the park with peace and a lot of really loud crows. Caw, Caw, caw that is all I heard as I tried to enjoy the serenity of being alone. Those big Crows would not be silent so I could reach my highest level of Merlin hippie~ness. Under paw was a little different today. It got warm yesterday so the snow melted a little. Over night it froze a little today so in some spots it was a little slippery, slide. The big hill is definitely showing signs of being a straight slide down. My Person still went up it so I was cool with that.
Mimi and I saw a squirrel down by the river. We both took off like a shot and I almost got the little runner but it scurried up a tree. Mimi started barking something about me getting in her way or she would have had the squirrel. I say that is a bunch of raw hide!!!!! I was way out in front of her and if I could climb a tree I should have had the rodent in my grasp.

We almost went all the way around without me seeing another dog today. Toward the end I saw Tad (mini-Yorkie), Harry (yellow lab), Denali (not sure of breed) and... I always forget the other guys name but they are all cool. I said hello to all of them and we all got along great. Their person dropped a tennis ball but she grabbed it in her "chucker" right before I got to steal it. Hair Balls! My Person called me away and I did get some squeeze cheese so It was still all good.

Off we went before the rain started so I can go home and hang out with my BCFF (best cat friend forever) Junior.

Merlin the Out about Loving a Cat

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