Monday, February 23, 2009

Holy Break In Bat Dog

This is just an FYI session of Merlin's blog. We walked around the neighborhood today but the morning howl still reached my keen canine ears. Yesterday, I am not sure what time, a few people mobiles had their windows smashed in the parking lot of the Dog Park. See, I am always nervous around that area and now you know why!!! I am not sure of any further details but keep your really important dog toys hidden while your walking at the park.
I am sorry for the people and pups who had to return from a glorious walk to find that cat burglars had infringed on your private property.
Perhaps I could get a job patrolling the parking lot to make sure this does not happen again. Be careful out there everyone. Lets keep our Dog Park a happy and safe place for all!
Merlin the Security Guard

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