Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 15th, 2008 Tuesday

This is my very favorite mud puddle at the park. I know you are all jealous. I lay right down in it all the time. My person convinced me not to today and I got 2 Charlie Bears for not laying down. That sounded like a good deal to me.
Anyway, greetings far and wide to all you four footed lovelies. If you can believe it both of my people came to the park again today. I am not sure what is going on with that but I love it. We saw Abby the Mastiff right when we got there. They were leaving but my other person got to meet her and her people. Good 'ole Rascal showed up. His person was saying they walk somewhere else in the winter where there is a plowed section for the people to walk in. Lightweight! It was good to see Rascal. He is 15 years old but you would never know it. That boy moves around like a youngin'. There was a cluster that involved Liken, Riley and Lola at the foot of the beautiful hill. I only hung with them for a minute. Rascal turned around at the beach and we pushed on and ran into Ziggy. Today, there was even a ball involved and I behaved well. How cool am I? We saw these 2 huge hawks flying in big lazy circles in the first big field after the hill. It is no fair that I can not reach them. They should either fly lower or I should be able to jump higher. Now that the weather is nice again there are joggers on the trails. Some of them have dogs with them and that generally works out OK. Some people do not have dogs but do not mind dogs being around. Some people are out for a run and do not want to hang with the dogs at all. I have heard words exchanged with the dog people and the jogging people before but mostly it is fine. Guess what my person does? She gives this "off the path" command to me and Mimi. We have to step off the path and sit down and gaze at our person until the jogger goes by. I mean please! Not all dog people insist on this and I think it is a little over the top. There have been a time or 2 when I have tried to herd the jogger back to our pack but I sort of get it now. My person, I love her but she is so strict about certain things. We met another old girl named Honey. She was very sweet. On the way out we saw the Vulcan, Kika and Merlin with their person. She invited us ALL over to her house for food and stuff. Now that is one cool person to invite us too. She made sure to invite Jessie! We saw big Scout and a dog named Maple. We also ran into another Scout and Charlotte the Dixie dog. Oh yeah, we met a dog named Rosie who just got rescued out of Tennessee too. She had had puppies and just got sent here yesterday! Wow, things are just gonna rock on now that the weather has changed. Happy Chewing! Merlin

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