Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday April 17, 2008

This is the 4th day in a row that we have been able to go to the park and enjoy all things natural. We saw little Scout and Ziggy as soon as we got there. They were leaving which I understood because today is one of our sort of late days. My person had to stop and talk of course before we were even off the lead. I hate that! Anyway, we got off and running and saw Rascal and Reilly. I think Reilly has springs on the bottom of his feet or something. I mean how else could he jump so high. I wonder if my person will ever get me springs for my feet. That might be fun.
We stopped at the beach and I ran with Abby (Mastiff) and Baily. They are big dogs and I like to play with them. We saw fewer people and pups today than we have been because we showed up after our crew had mostly already left. I had very good thing happen up at the big field. I ran into Bella and Zelda. Bella's people are still away but she was there with her dog sitter. She told me that last November they told her people that she only had 2 months to live. Well, I don't know who "they" are but they should take a look at her. She ran right up to my person and laid down so my person could rub her belly. Than, big Scout showed up and she did the same thing to Scout's person. I got a little jealous because he had just said "Mer~man" when Bella did that. I just walked over to the person and he pet Bella's belly and my head at the same time. How cool is that. He is a good guy. I am so glad we got to see Bella because she really is a nice girl. So, off we went and there are too many burr stories to tell. Mimi is getting a summer haircut on Saturday morning. She said it is sort of like when people put on shorts. Whatever. Hey, I also heard something about me going to Camp Grinning Dog. I hope that is true. A dog needs a vacation too! Merlin

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