Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday April 9, 2008

Not a big story today. My person has legs that sometimes work better than others. Yesterday they seemed to be confused about how to move forward. Today they worked great because she was like flying through the walk. I wonder what the hurry is? I could stay and sniff all day at the park. We saw Luna which she of course stopped for because my person just loves Luna! I got put on lead when we saw Ziggy up ahead and that was OK because I was really relaxed. The only bummer was that we had to push right on by Daisy and you know I love Daisy. Anyway, after my person rushing all the way we get to the parking lot and are back on lead and she stops and talks to Clementine's person. She chats for a long, long time! I am watching all these dogs come and go and there I am siting next to my person with Mimi doing Nothing. I am a little annoyed with my person but tomorrow is another day. By the way, Jessie has been getting a walk around the neighborhood everyday by our girl. I am happy for her because she really loves to socialize! I am still going to nap on the porch even though it was just a plain ole walk with no excitment. Naps are always good! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Merlin

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