Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday April 16

I thought for sure it was a "no walk day". My person went out with her friend this morning. S he came home later and my other person took some time off from that place she goes everyday and all 4 of us walked again!!! Hooray. We saw a puppy named Daisy that was just so cute. I however only have room in my heart for one Daisy and that puppy is not it. Anyway, we met a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Jack. He was like 3 inches taller than me. He has no puffiness in the tail though. We ran into Turbo who must be about 2 years old now and still has more energy than 5 dogs put together. We saw Pierre and Benji and they are potential ankle bitters but I really do like them. Now, they are French Bull Dogs. So, Pierre I get. Is Benji a French name? I don't think so? At least in the movie I saw named Benji it was not a French anything. I think it was a Beagle? So, off to the beach which is a daily spot again and we met Crystal and Taylor. They are both Huskies and have nice blue eyes like my sister Jessie. Taylor stayed all by himself out in the field. I went out to go sniff his butt, but he got up and walked away. Well, I can take a hint. So, off we went and eventually saw Ziggy with Charlotte and Scout. Charlotte and Scout are Border Collies but my tail is still better. Oh yeah, we met another Border Collie names Good Golly Miss Molly, They call her Molly for short. The entire park was so full of endless energy today it was almost too good to be true. But it is true! We are so lucky to have this park. One dog once told me that where he lives the dogs all run in an old tennis court. WOW! I am very blessed. Enjoy being outdoors. There is nothing better in the whole world. Peace , Love and Marrow Bones, Merlin

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