Tuesday, May 6, 2008

happy dog!

You would not believe the day that I had at the park. It was glorious! First I was nervous that it was going to be a lonely day because we saw Niles and Caber all leashed up and leaving when we got there. I thought perhaps that it was a sign from the dog gods that we would be solo today. Of course I am never really solo cuz I have the Mimers with me. When we got down toward the beach we met an Aussie named Skye. He was so fun and he had a tail! None of the Aussies I know have tails but this guy did. Now, I know I do not need to tell you that it was not as beautiful as mine. Right? I mean you guys have to have gotten this figured out by now. In addition to the lovely Skye, Winnie and Scooter arrived. Bella and Mel were already there playing in the water. Soon, Clementine, Deli, Flannel and Luna showed up. Now that my friends is a doggie party. We were in the field running and than down into the water chasing sticks and out in the field and down to the river and over and over again! I LOVE the dog park! Mimi of course had to have her little hissy fit because I went to play with the others! Older sisters can be a pain in the butt I tell you. We left the beach and headed off with Skye and Winnie and Scooter. Winnie is 10 years old but she still has got it goin' on! Scooter and I are a lot alike in many ways. He seems head strong and full of energy. Nothin' wrong with that. We saw a handsome boy named Skipper and I chased a ball with him for a minute. I was too tired to play at that point. OK, Ok, the truth is he was so much faster than me that I had to fake fatigue from my earlier playing at the beach. SHHHHHH! I am trying to protect my image but I can not really lie either.
So, the walk was fabulous with all these dogs and the sun, birds and plain old being outdoors. We saw Big Scout and my person called Scout's person a hero for finding that puppy. He really is. Also, we saw Amber and she seemed to be looking better! I am one big happy, grinning fool after all that fun and frolicking. Really, I am beat! I must get a few winks and dream of chipmunks and my playmates at the park. We are so lucky!!!!
Wizards HatMerlin

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