Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sundays are great

I really do not have much to say today. We had a super walk on an absolutely beautiful morning. We saw the Basset Hound named Elvis (get it? He aint nothin but a hound dog) and his sister Bessie. Also, they have a Mastiff puppy named Henry and A Dachshund and I always forget her name. She could ride Henry's back as he gets bigger. We stopped at the dog beach for a few minutes but we did not know a lot of dogs there and moved on. I was glad we did because just as we were about to go up the big hill we heard a bunch of yelling, barking, howling and yelping going on back at the beach. We saw Ziggy on the hill and met a couple of labs. We saw
Cody the dancer on one of the upper paths and I had to insist on not dancing today. He is a good guy and we got along fine. On our way out we saw Bella and another golden named Daisy. Bella did her usual roll over on her back and my person rubs her belly. She had been swimming and was soaking wet. I do love that little girl. We saw the Newfies today and Turbo and Molly on our way out. After we got in the car we saw Amber who is also doing OK. I am glad the girls who have had some scary health problems are doing OK. Keep the faith! Hail to the Canine Gods!
Wizards HatMerlin

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